updated Fri. August 9, 2024
Hartford Courant
March 28, 2018
Several advocates in favor of the legalization of marijuana also wrote to the committee, including the Connecticut ACLU,the Connecticut Coalition to Regulate Marijuana and Connecticut NORML, among others. It's the third bill on recreational marijuana that has obtained a hearing during this year'sÃâà...
New Haven Register
March 27, 2018
David McGuire, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Connecticut, said state officials now are not supposed to assist with sending undocumented immigrants to ICE, but they continue to do so. He emphasized the fear that immigrants have of any interaction with the government becauseÃâà...
CT News Junkie
March 27, 2018
HARTFORD, CT — The Connecticut Trust Act, which prohibits law enforcement from honoring certain immigration detainers was approved in 2014, but it ... David McGuire, executive director of the Connecticut American Civil Liberties Union, said they are seeing local police getting deputized by ICE andÃâà...
CT Post
March 26, 2018
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska filed a new lawsuit Monday to challenge the state's lethal injection protocol, arguing that officials adopted a flawed protocol last year without adequate public review. The lawsuit seeks a judge's order to prevent the state from movingÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
March 26, 2018
... ACLU effect as the most likely explanation for the sharp rise in violence to levels unseen in two decades. Beginning in 2016, Chicago police officers had to more thoroughly document every street stop as part of a landmark agreement between the Police Department and the American Civil Liberties UnionÃâà...
CT Post
March 26, 2018
The Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska and the American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska have opposed the board's policy, saying it places "unconstitutional restrictions" on what and where expression is considered free on campus. A "tip sheet" distributed to University of Nebraska-Lincoln facultyÃâà...
CT Post
March 26, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas issued a statement Sunday calling on the sheriff's department to release any dashcam and body-camera footage ... be held accountable whenever deadly force is used unlawfully," Sharon Watkins-Jones, director of political strategies of the ACLU of Texas, said.
March 26, 2018
Beaten inmate sues state of Connecticut for keeping half of legal award ... A Connecticut inmate is fighting the state in federal court after officials were ordered to pay him $300,000 in a lawsuit over a beating he took from another ... The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut agrees with Williams.
Chicago Tribune
March 26, 2018
For the city, the deal means that groups including the NAACP and ACLU of Illinois, and their army of lawyers, will suspend their lawsuits and join the negotiating process. If those lawsuits had continued, they might have dragged on through the 2019 mayoral election. Emanuel is seeking a third term andÃâà...
March 25, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut agrees with Williams. “Effectively what they're doing is using state law to get themselves off the hook for a federal law violation,” said Dan Barrett, legal director for the ACLU chapter. “It would violate federal law for the Correction Department to effectivelyÃâà...
CT Post
March 20, 2018
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas voter registration law enacted in 2013 has stopped thousands of eligible citizens from voting and will damage the election process if it is allowed to stand, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union argued Monday as testimony ended after seven,Ãâà...
Meriden Record-Journal
March 20, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged the use of license plate readers based on privacy concerns surrounding the storage of information on ... David McGuire, ACLU of Connecticut executive director, said license plate readers “present a significant privacy concern for motorists in Connecticut.”.
The Cannabist
March 20, 2018
HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut legislators are under pressure to revisit legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, as a growing number of New England states are allowing ... Support for marijuana legalization has come from the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut to everyday individuals.
Hartford Courant
March 19, 2018
But Dan Barrett, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut, said he's “seen and heard a range of things” regarding Wednesday's walkout, including that some schools levied discipline against students who participated. Barrett said the ACLU is looking to help students who feel theirÃâà...
Norwich Bulletin
March 19, 2018
Support for marijuana legalization has come from the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut to everyday individuals. ... burdens that marijuana prohibition has placed on youth, communities of color and poor communities throughout the state,” said Kaley Lentini, the legislative counsel for ACLU-CT.
CT Post
March 17, 2018
(AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union sued the city of Savannah on Friday over its plans to ban signs and posters from an area where Vice President Mike Pence plans to participate in a sprawling St. Patrick's Day parade. City officials immediately backed off what they had previously said would be aÃâà...
CT Post
March 17, 2018
The Public Defender's Office and the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut both advised legislators to create a task force to study the issue, ... the experience or suffering through legal proceedings or of defamation lawsuits,” wrote David McGuire, executive director of the ACLU of Connecticut,Ãâà...
CT Post
March 14, 2018
The ACLU is challenging a 2013 Kansas law that requires documents proving citizenship when registering to vote, and the outcome of the trial could determine if thousands of ... When American Civil Liberties Union attorney Dale Ho asked if the name "Carlos Murguia" would be flagged, Richman said yes.
March 14, 2018
American Civil Liberties Union affiliates in more than a dozen states have advised school administrators to honor the students' free speech rights and are ... Dozens of colleges and universities, including Harvard, Yale, MIT, the University of Connecticut and UCLA, have assured high school students thatÃâà...
CT Post
March 14, 2018
On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union went to court for Morris who says he's been ordered to remove the large mural that features infamous Donald Trump quotes ... The ACLU's lawsuit says Morris was ordered by the city to remove the mural soon after it was painted in November.
Meriden Record-Journal
March 14, 2018
In 2007, Connecticut raised the minimum age of adult court to 18, but also made it more difficult to transfer cases of those under that age from juvenile court. Kane ... ACLU of Connecticut Executive Director David McGuire said the changes have improved Connecticut's justice system, pointing to a drop inÃâà...
50 States of Blue (blog)
March 14, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut (ACLU-CT) has already addressed their concerns regarding racial equity in the industry in written testimony released today. The ACLU-CT notes that laws criminalizing the use and sale of cannabis have disproportionately affected minorities and that whileÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
March 13, 2018
Excerpts from a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union involving a mother and her child from Congo, formerly Zaire, separated by U.S. ... In the wake of the ACLU's lawsuit and media attention from the Chicago Tribune and other news organizations, the mother was released from a U.S.Ãâà...
CT Post
March 13, 2018
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska says state prison officials may have misled authorities by indicating that four execution drugs obtained by the state were intended for medical purposes. The organization sent a letter Monday to the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency,Ãâà...
Chicago Tribune
February 28, 2018
Excerpts from a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union involving a mother and her child from Congo, formerly Zaire, separated by U.S. ... According to the ACLU lawsuit, Ms. L fled Congo, formerly Zaire, fearing “near certain death” and arrived at a U.S. port of entry near San Diego on Nov. 1.
CT Post
February 26, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut also opposed the bills for many of the same reasons. Without offering definitions of who or what could qualify as a scholar or journalist, the bills were “ripe for abuse,” testified Kaley Lentini, legislative counsel for the ACLU of Connecticut. She suggested allÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
February 26, 2018
The American Civil Liberties Union accused the U.S. government on Monday of unlawfully separating a Congolese woman and her 7-year-old daughter by holding them in different immigration facilities -- the mother in San Diego, the child in Chicago -- after they sought asylum four months ago. The ACLUÃâà...
Press Herald
December 31, 1999
The American Civil Liberties Union of Maine has signed a letter asking Greyhound Lines to block federal immigration checks on its buses. ... The ACLU said 10 other states – Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont – areÃâà...
CT Post
December 31, 1999
FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2014, file photo, a view of the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse in Washington. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Trump administration, claiming it is violating immigration laws and its own policies by detaining immigrants who have a solid case for seeking asylum inÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
December 31, 1999
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a class-action lawsuit Friday accusing the U.S. government of broadly separating immigrant families seeking asylum. The lawsuit follows action the ACLU took in the case of a Congolese woman and her 7-year-old daughter, who the group said was taken from herÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
December 31, 1999
A car drives into the Otay Mesa detention center in San Diego, Calif. The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Trump administration, claiming the Department of Homeland Security is separating hundreds of families at the border without cause (Elliot Spagat / AssociatedÃâà...