updated Tue. September 17, 2024
Wisconsin Gazette
April 15, 2018
Wisconsin hadn't gone for a Republican in a presidential election since 1984. Trump's win there, along with narrow victories in Michigan and Pennsylvania, allowed him to win the electoral vote while losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein demanded a recountÃâà...
Las Vegas Sun
April 14, 2018
But many on the left either disdained electoral politics altogether — preferring demonstrations like Occupy Wall Street that quickly turned into ends in themselves — or gravitated toward nihilistic spoiler campaigns like those of Ralph Nader and Jill Stein. Donald Trump's election has changed that, spurringÃâà...
April 14, 2018
A lot of them voted for (Jill) Stein, a lot of them voted for (Gary) Johnson. These are supposed to be Democrats and they did not vote for the Democratic candidate," LaPointe said. Collison said since the 2016 election the party hasn't moved to meaningfully include its more progressive members, somethingÃâà...
Seattle Times
April 11, 2018
New leader Maurice Mitchell wants to make the Working Families Party home to a new generation of activists who are part of a historic upsurge in popular protest, fusing Bernie Sanders' class politics with a focus on racial and gender equality.
The Hill
April 11, 2018
Jill Stein's campaign has turned over documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee currently investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, BuzzFeed News reported. Stein — who ran for president in 2016 as the Green Party's candidate — provided the documents, but it isn't clear when theyÃâà...
Study Breaks
April 11, 2018
She voted for Jill Stein despite not really knowing anything about her (with implications that she supported Hilary). The show's political inclinations also reflect Roseanne Barr's views as well as around half of the production and writers team. The spin this new revival seems to be taking provides a viewpointÃâà...
Boston Herald
April 10, 2018
The most famous line by far about self-inflicted damage belongs to the late Israeli diplomat Abba Eban, who observed about the Palestinian leadership that it “never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” For their part, however, Democrats have historically also done a pretty good job of doingÃâà...
New York Times
April 9, 2018
But many on the left either disdained electoral politics altogether — preferring demonstrations like Occupy Wall Street that quickly turned into ends in themselves — or gravitated toward nihilistic spoiler campaigns like those of Ralph Nader and Jill Stein. Donald Trump's election has changed that, spurringÃâà...
Plattsburgh Press Republican
April 4, 2018
JOE LOTEMPLIO/STAFF PHOTOPaul Bardis says issues such as civil rights and women's rights might not have gained as much steam in the past year if Hillary Clinton were president. "I do not think you would have had as many people organizing and insisting on women's rights and civil rights in the wayÃâà...
Bleeding Cool News
April 2, 2018
Recall that Roseanne was in fact a candidate to become the Green Party's nominee for President of the United States in 2012 — she lost the Green Party's delegate race to Jill Stein during that election cycle, but then won the nomination of the Peace and Freedom party. Appearing on the ballot in just threeÃâà...
Salisbury Post
April 2, 2018
RALEIGH — Supporters of lesser-known political parties were disappointed with North Carolina's presidential election ballot in 2016. Did you want to vote for Nutrition Party candidate Rod Silva, who ran for president with the slogan “Make America Healthy Again”? Only an option if you lived in Colorado.
Daily American Online
April 2, 2018
FILE - In this image released by ABC, Roseanne Barr, left, and John Goodman appear in a scene from the reboot of "Roseanne," premiering on Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST. For the reboot, Roseanne will be at odds with her sister Jackie, played by Laurie Metcalf, over President Donald Trump. Barr said sheÃâà...
Asheboro Courier Tribune
April 2, 2018
North Carolina had a write-in option for president in 2016, but the state only counted write-ins for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. That's because the Greens were the only party that submitted a petition to run an official write-in candidate. Still, nearly 60,000 voters here used the write-in option — a sign ofÃâà...
April 2, 2018
In 2016, plenty called a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein a vote for Trump. In 2000, Democrats wailed that Ralph Nader had helped George W. Bush win Florida. "If I were advising John Kasich, I would advise him to not run as an independent," Stone said. "Although it is very difficult to unseat an incumbentÃâà...
The Star Beacon
April 2, 2018
Austinburg Democrat Wendy Playter said the Green Party's 2016 candidate Jill Stein was “too inexperienced”; libertarians are just “Republicans that are cool with weed”; and “Trump was just 'No.'” Clinton, on the other hand, was the first female presidential hopeful after 240 years of “white, Caucasian malesÃâà...
March 30, 2018
In the Roseanne reboot, Roseanne the character, like Roseanne Barr the actress, is a Trump supporter, while her made-for-TV sister, played by Laurie Metcalf, voted for Jill Stein. Some critics called the show's premise “refreshing.” “I would like 18 million people to watch my show. So let me serve up someÃâà...
News & Observer (blog)
March 26, 2018
The elections agency says the Green Party appears to be the only new party that meets the 70 percent requirement. Jan Martell, co-chair of the N.C. Green Party, said the application was submitted at the beginning of the year. "The Green Party's 2016 presidential candidate, Jill Stein, was on the ballot in allÃâà...
March 13, 2018
In the 2016 presidential election, Green Party candidate Jill Stein won 1.6 percent, nearly 8,000 votes, statewide. "It's already disrupting the modern Montana political scene, so it's going to be an interesting year," says Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton. Stapelton, a Republican, expects the GreenÃâà...
February 16, 2018
Friday afternoon, the Justice Department released an indictment that's part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election led by special counsel Robert Mueller. The indictment outlines the lengths Russia went to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump and against Hillary ClintonÃâà...
Washington Examiner
February 16, 2018
Russian trolls backed Green Party candidate Jill Stein during the presidential election, according to an indictment released Friday by the U.S. special counsel. The indictment alleges Russian agents deliberately boosted Stein as part of a larger effort to undermine the U.S. electoral process. “Choose peaceÃâà...
news9.com KWTV
February 13, 2018
Green Party candidate Jill Stein pushed the idea in her 2016 presidential platform, for one. But contrarians point out such a move could inflame political division, with some viewing it as a giveaway to higher-income professionals who don't need a handout as much as less educated Americans. On the otherÃâà...
90.5 WESA
February 12, 2018
Dr. Jill Stein, former Green Party presidential nominee, arrives at a rally in Philadelphia, Wednesday, July 27, 2016. A federal judge recently made changes to the signature requirement for third party candidates to qualify for the ballot. Alex Brandon / AP. Third-party and independent candidates will have anÃâà...
New York Times
December 19, 2017
WASHINGTON — Senate investigators are scrutinizing links between Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2016 presidential nominee, and Russia's campaign to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, searching for evidence of possible conspiracy. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the RepublicanÃâà...
Petoskey News-Review
December 31, 1999
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Political candidates who lose big like Jill Stein wouldn't be able to seek a recount under legislation nearing the Michigan governor's desk. The Republican-led Senate voted 27-8 Wednesday for legislation upping the standards for election recounts to require aggrieved candidates toÃâà...
Detroit Free Press
December 31, 1999
LANSING — Political candidates who lose big wouldn't be able to seek a recount under legislation nearing the Michigan governor's desk. The Republican-led Senate voted 27-8 Wednesday for legislation upping the standards for election recounts to require that aggrieved candidates prove they have aÃâà...
Boston magazine
December 31, 1999
“Blaze It for Delegate Jill Stein.” Its founder? One Charlie Baker. Except, it wasn't that Charlie Baker. The PAC was founded by a South Orange, New Jersey resident who happened to share a name with the Massachusetts governor, and who also happened to be 14 years old. The Daily Beast's Sam SteinÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
December 31, 1999
Ranked-choice voting reconciles that conflict by eliminating the fear of spoilers. You no longer have to worry about “throwing away” your vote on a long-shot (ahem — Jill Stein — ahem) and inadvertently contributing to the victory of the candidate you prefer least. A ranked-choice election is far cheaper thanÃâà...
News & Observer (blog)
December 31, 1999
The state legislature last year revised standards so it's easier for parties to get on the ballot. Under the law, any party that appeared on ballots in at least 70 percent of states in the last presidential election could apply for recognition. Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2016 presidential candidate, was on ballots inÃâà...
News & Observer
December 31, 1999
The anti-alcohol party was founded in 1869 and somehow still exists, but Hedges only appeared on the ballot in three states. North Carolina had a write-in option for president in 2016, but the state only counted write-ins for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. That's because the Greens were the only party thatÃâà...
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