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 Federation of Turkish-American Associations (FTAA) logo
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updated Sat. June 15, 2024

Argentina has blocked entry to anti-globalization activists ahead of its hosting of a key World Trade Organization meeting. The WTO agenda includes ways to stem over-fishing and safeguards for online trading. Buenos Aires - Flughafen Ezeiza (picture-alliance/dpa/J. Woitas). Buenos Aires international ...
Ahead of the G20 summit in Hamburg, 32 journalists had their accreditation revoked at short notice as authorities cited security concerns. The journalists have called the move unlawful. Deutschland G20 Medien (picture alliance/CITYPRESS 24/Krick). Nine of the journalists who had their accreditation ...

The cost of the damage caused by street battles between protesters and police at the recent G20 summit in Hamburg may come in at about 12 million euros. Both sides still blame the other for the fighting. Hamburg, G20 Protests (picture-alliance/M.Heine). According to an initial estimate from the German ...
Rioters could also be made to report to authorities, Thomas de Maiziere has said. His proposal comes as German intelligence warned of a growing left-wing extremist scene on the back of last week's violence in Hamburg. Black Bloc protesters behind fire in Hamburg during G20. Germany's interior minister, Thomas de ...
Whenever heads of state and global financial institutions come together, protest is not far away. Critics of globalization have been taking action for 20 years - also in the name of nature. DW looks back. Anti-WTO Protest Seattle Battle of Seattle (Getty Images/K.Stallknecht) ...
A German think-tank warns that the US, Russia and China are lagging in efforts to meet the United Nations 2030 development goals. A report by the Bertelsmann Foundation partly blames growing protectionist policies. Indien Bewohner warten auf Wasser in einem Slum von Kalkutta (Reuters/R. De.

As the G20 kicks off, creative protest action is already underway - Hamburg's current "wave of protest" has environmental topics at its core. This carries forward a long tradition in the anti-globalization movement. Anti-WTO Protest Seattle Battle of Seattle (Getty Images/K.Stallknecht) ...
The event is organized by the Federation of Turkish American Associations(FTAA)- the oldest and largest Turkish American Umbrella Organization. ... The Turkish-American Day Parade and Festival in New York City, has been accepted as the greatest Turkish Cultural event outside of Turkey. The host of ...
(FindLaw) -- Earlier this month 34 countries from North America and South America gathered in Miami to negotiate the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The goal of this agreement is to create a common market that serves 800 million consumers from Alaska to Chile, with the exception of Cuba.
Ahead of the G20 summit in Hamburg, 32 journalists had their accreditation revoked at short notice as authorities cited security concerns.

The cost of the damage caused by street battles between protesters and police at the recent G20 summit in Hamburg may come in at about 12 ...
Rioters could also be made to report to authorities, Thomas de Maiziere has said. His proposal comes as German intelligence warned of a ...
Whenever heads of state and global financial institutions come together, protest is not far away. Critics of globalization have been taking action ...
A German think-tank warns that the US, Russia and China are lagging in efforts to meet the United Nations 2030 development goals. A report ...
As the G20 kicks off, creative protest action is already underway - Hamburg's current "wave of protest" has environmental topics at its core.
The event is organized by the Federation of Turkish American Associations(FTAA)- the oldest and largest Turkish American Umbrella ...
(FindLaw) -- Earlier this month 34 countries from North America and South America gathered in Miami to negotiate the Free Trade Area of the ...
Florida Turkish American Association (FTAA) is proud to present its 14th Annual Florida Turkish Festival themed "Blue Voyage Along the Turkish Coast". The festival's highlights include performances by a folk dance group from Istanbul, live music by ...


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