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updated Tue. September 10, 2024

One of its climactic scenes involves the assistant special prosecutor, Carl Feldbaum, heading to the White House to pick up Nixon's tapes. Neyfakh narrates, “Feldbaum volunteered to walk over, not thinking about the fact that it was a Saturday and he was dressed for the weekend, in pink bell-bottoms.” When he got to the ...
A similar tension was manifest in the Watergate tapes case, U.S. v. Nixon, in which the U.S. Supreme Court finally recognized the executive privilege for the first time. The justices unanimously said that executive privilege was rooted in "the supremacy of each branch within its own assigned area of ...

Admittedly, there's not much in the way of suspense, since the outcome of the film is well known. But Spielberg holds our interest throughout with snappy, fast-paced dialogue, captivating performances and the occasional inspired directorial touch, such as using the actual Nixon tapes alongside a shot of a ...
Richard Nixon's language from the Watergate tapes can be summed up in two words: “expletive deleted.” No political party has exclusive claim to use of less-than-polite language. Barack Obama called his political rival Mitt Romney a “bulls---ter” in a Rolling Stone interview, but print media aren't regulated ...
They made good use of the actual Nixon tapes. MFB: Peggy Noonan wrote in The Wall Street Journal that the movie unfairly demonizes Richard Nixon. You disagree? KK: She's right that Nixon was not mentioned in the Pentagon Papers at all. In fact, there were some people within the administration who ...
President Richard Nixon knew how to swear, as the famous Nixon tapes revealed, and at that time, editors used the term (expletive deleted) instead of the profanity with which Nixon would burst forth, when they were publishing transcripts of the Nixon tapes. Books written about Hillary Clinton reflect her ...

(Even in the communications business, communications sometimes fail.) Trump's use of the term shouldn't surprise anyone. The guy has famously used what he calls “lockerroom talk” to describe women. Nor should anyone be surprised that such talk occurs in the White House. Do the Nixon tapes ring a ...
Apparently these bleeding heart liberals and Democrats who complain about the words that President Trump used in a meeting have never listen to the Kennedy tapes from the White House, or the Nixon tapes, or especially the LBJ tapes. You want to hear some real bad language, listen to them people.
SARASOTA, Fl. (WWSB)- President Trump made headlines this week when he referred to some African nations, and Haiti as "s**tholes. But Mr. Trump is hardly alone when it comes to salty language. In 2012 Rolling Stone magazine printed a few choice words from former Chief Executives and their Vice ...
Until then, the film lacked a tangible antagonist, so Spielberg raised the idea of including the infamous Nixon Tapes—a collection of audio from the president's voice-activated taping system throughout the White House. These recordings recur throughout The Post—accompanied by grainy footage shot from ...
As noted, Nixon's tapes were full of deleted expletives. Barack Obama used a cattle-related expletive to describe Mitt Romney in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Harry Truman once questioned Gen. Douglas MacArthur's parentage in explicit terms. It is more about being careful to not needlessly ...
Mr. Steele saw this as a crime in progress and decided he needed to report it to the F.B.I." Similar to calling for the public release of the Watergate tapes, these journalists call for Congress to release the transcripts of their firm's testimony, "so that the American people can learn the truth about our work and ...
While “The Post,” led by actors Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, dramatizes the high-stakes newsroom decisions preceding the publication of the leaked documents in the New York Times and, later, the Washington Post, the Nixon tapes offer extraordinary insights into the drama unfolding simultaneously in ...
He is the author of “Chasing Shadows: The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate” (UVA Press) and “Fatal Politics: The Nixon Tapes, the Vietnam War, and the Casualties of Reelection” (UVA Press). Steven Spielberg's new movie “The Post” tells the story of the Pentagon Papers ...
As we later informed the Supreme Court in briefing the "Nixon tapes" case, we concluded that a president may be indicted while still in office. The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel has taken a different position, first under Nixon and later under the administration of President Bill Clinton.
Washington (CNN) A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey's testimony is "the equivalent of the Nixon tapes." The Russia investigation: Everything you need to know. "I think it's remarkable," Norman ...
After the Nixon tapes became public, they were used as evidence and compiled into volumes of reading material and audio recordings that remain available for listening today. Imagine if the Trump tapes that exist today are someday made public! At least some of them will probably become public, used in ...

While “The Post,” led by actors Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, dramatizes the high-stakes newsroom decisions preceding the publication of the leaked documents in the New York Times and, later, the Washington Post, the Nixon tapes offer extraordinary insights into the drama unfolding simultaneously in ...
The Nixon's tapes of this era will be Trump's tweets. -- Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) December 3, 2017. Still, if Trump is forced out by constitutional-but-unprecedented means, I fear the repercussions. Consider the 25th Amendment. As Ezra Klein observes — in a Vox article making the case for impeachment, ...
The incident has become relevant once again following the recent guilty pleas by President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, according to Miller Center scholar Ken Hughes, author of “Chasing Shadows: The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate.”.
The White House certainly took note of Cavett's coverage; his name surfaces on the Nixon tapes 26 times. In the first members-only bonus episode of Slow Burn, our new podcast series about Watergate, host Leon Neyfakh talks to Cavett about what it was like to live through the unfolding scandal. Neyfakh ...
... keeping her foot on the transcription machine's pedal, which forwarded the recording. The press dubbed this unlikely move, “The Rose Mary Stretch.” Rose Mary Woods demonstrates the stretch that supposedly led to the deletion of a portion of the Watergate tapes. Ford Library Museum/Public Domain.
Nixon's decision to turn over the Watergate tapes to U.S. District Attorney Judge John J. Sirica while denying the committee a transcript of them.
Farrell's book, published almost 50 years since Nixon first won the presidency, has the benefit of a trove of new material – all of the Nixon tapes ...
1973 President Richard Nixon rejects an Appeals Court demand to turn over the Watergate tapes. 1987 In retaliation for Iranian attacks on ...
The Nixon tapes are a great resource for researchers, but with that access comes responsibility. One can only get a good sense of any subject ...
At times, Burns and Novick fall into this trap when they use short sound bites of the Nixon tapes to make – or seemingly confirm – a larger ...
I suspect that if Nixon's tapes had not played a starring role in his downfall, he would have retired to California as planned and wrote his ...
Forty-five years after Watergate, tapes have special meaning ... to work on the staff at the National Archives that processed the Nixon tapes.
Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony is the modern equivalent of secret recordings that played a major part in leading to the ...
Washington (CNN) A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former ...
The Feds have 'Trump tapes' akin to Nixon's 'Watergate tapes' .... After the Nixon tapes became public, they were used as evidence and ...
... had in our lifetime,” and added, half-joking, that Trump's tweets are “like the Nixon tapes, if they were played every night on the CBS News.”).
When audio of the Nixon tapes eventually became public in 1980—2,658 of the 3,400 hours are now accessible—Americans could hear for themselves just how ...
... chief aide, H.R. Haldeman, to destroy the damaging Watergate tapes, and in retrospect, Nixon said he wished the order had been carried out.
The lecture is titled “A decade with the Nixon tapes: What we have learned and what we have yet to learn.” Wine and light hors d'oeuvres will ...
The Watergate tapes ended up being the “smoking gun” proving Nixon's involvement in obstruction of justice. This time, any smoking gun will ...
Sirica's unorthodox judicial measures, including asking direct questions, ultimately led to the release of the Watergate tapes. “Simply stated ...
As Aaron Sorkin once ventriloquized through his West Wing avatar Toby “You Will Respect The Office God Damn It” Zeigler, the Nixon tapes ...
If you listen to the Nixon Watergate tapes, the secret tapes, and you hear Nixon ramble, it sounds like Donald Trump's tweets," Brinkley said.
As Rolling Stone recalled in a round-up of presidential profanity in 2012, Richard Nixon and the Watergate tapes put the phrase “expletive ...
The [Watergate] tapes unmasked Nixon not as the take-charge boss of a criminal conspiracy but rather as an aging and confused politician lost ...
I suspect that if Nixon's tapes had not played a starring role in his downfall, he would have retired to California as planned and wrote his ...
Forty-five years after Watergate, tapes have special meaning ... to work on the staff at the National Archives that processed the Nixon tapes.
When the existence of the Watergate tapes became public during the investigations into the 1970's scandal, one of the most memorable ...
Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony is the modern equivalent of secret recordings that played a major part in leading to the ...
On Thursday, James Comey is making his first public comments since being fired by President Trump and, according to his prepared remarks, ...
Washington (CNN) A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former ...
Comey's notes — the modern equivalent of Nixon's tapes, Congress will get them. Comey will testify. Whether Trump holds the White House ...
“When the Nixon tapes became public, what shocked people so much was the difference between what Nixon said in public and what Nixon ...


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