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updated Thu. May 2, 2024

"She had a phenomenal knack for getting politicians and policemen and judges to talk to her," says Bill Flanagan, an editor who was perhaps her earliest mentor. ... "This assistant U.S. attorney -- who I don't know -- they called him Crimefighter, [he was a] spit and polish, kind of hard-nosed type -- started giving me a hard ...

Andrew Brietbart is known for being a lightning rod for controversy. The conservative blogger and founder of and is never one to pull punches on divisive political topics ranging from Shirley Sherrod to James O'Keefe. After we were guests on Fox News Channel's Red Eye ...
A spokesman for Landrieu said he couldn't immediately comment, and a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's office in New Orleans would not comment on a possible plea deal. Federal authorities initially accused the four of trying to tamper with Landrieu's phones, but the new filing merely says they ...


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       us attorneys
         bill flanagan

US Attorneys:
         bill flanagan
         bradley schlozman
         carol lam
         david iglesias
         debra wong yang
         edward o'callaghan
         john mckay
         patrick fitzgerald
         preet bharara
         robert b. fiske jr
         thomas wales
         tim morrison
         timothy griffin
         todd graves