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updated Sat. October 5, 2024

For example, in October 2015, the United States awarded Liberia a $257 million grant for energy and infrastructure initiatives under the Millennium Challenge Corporation. This type of ... Human development indicators, such as life expectancy and per capita income, remain well below the regional average.
For example, in October 2015, the United States awarded Liberia a $257 million grant for energy and infrastructure initiatives under the Millennium Challenge Corporation. This type of ... Human development indicators, such as life expectancy and per capita income, remain well below the regional average.

The controlling corruption indicator is one of the critical assessment tools for sustenance of the project and examines whether the country is making efforts to fight corruption, levels of prosecution and investigations. The Millennium Challenge Corporation is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency ...
This week Ivory Coast signed a nearly $525 million compact grant with the U.S. government's Millennium Challenge Corporation, money that will be spent ... After passing only five of 20 policy indicators in 2013, the Ivorian government adopted MCC's scorecard as its road map for reform and it was not until ...
Malawi is on course to qualify for a second Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) energy compact, a 2018 MCC scorecard has shown. ... According to the scorecard, Malawi has performed well on indicators such as trade policy, land rights and access, government effectiveness, access to credit control ...
... rating dropped in the scorecard used by the United States to determine if a country can receive aid from its Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). ... "We have to understand that for this year's scorecard, the ratings in the various indicators were based on their methodologies in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Finance and Mass Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera met with Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) Regional Deputy Vice President for Europe, Asia, Pacific and Latin America, Fatema. ... Sri Lanka became eligible for assistance after passing 13 out of 20 indicators on MCC's policy scorecard.
Nepal first passed the MCC scorecard — meaning it met at least 10 of a set of 20 indicators ranging from child health to fiscal policy to government ... Secretary of State John J. Sullivan and acting CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation Jonathan Nash listen before the signing of MCC's Nepal Compact.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation is a foreign aid agency of the United States government, independent of the U.S. Agency for International ... aid to partner countries that are typically among the world's least developed, but which outperform their peers on indicators measuring good governance, ...
... the Millennium Challenge Corporation after undergoing an intense ... A detailed list of 20 policy indicators determine a country's eligibility for ...
The absorptive capacity indicators of official development assistance ... for International Development and Millennium Challenge Corporation, ...
... grant with the U.S. government's Millennium Challenge Corporation, ... After passing only five of 20 policy indicators in 2013, the Ivorian ...
The U.S Government's Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) on ... to pass MCC's requirement of passing half of the 20 indicators overall, ...
On November 2, the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) released its 2018 scorecards. Malawi continued to ...
... -0.01 for rule of law in the scorecard of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The rule of law indicator measures the prevalence of crime and ... This year, out of 20 indicators, the Philippines failed in eight, including ...
A latest Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a United States ... individual country's policy indicators, shows that Malawi passed half of the ...
... can receive aid from its Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). ... this year's scorecard, the ratings in the various indicators were based on ...

... Bahadur Karki and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) acting ... indicators related to democratic governance, economic freedom and ...
... from the US Government's Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). ... Following Nepal's strong performance on the MCC policy indicators ...
... and acting CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation Jonathan ... set of 20 indicators ranging from child health to fiscal policy to government ...
... worth $500 million under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) — an ... Given Nepal's strong performance in its MCC policy indicator ...
... the grant assistance from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) — an ... Given Nepal's strong performance in its MCC policy indicator ...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) delegation led by Fatema Z. ... after passing 13 out of 20 indicators on MCC's policy scorecard.
... human development indicators rather than natural resources—is the ... eligibility for a compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, ...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the independent foreign ... indicators like economic freedom, rule of law and corruption control.
KATHMANDU, July 21:The Millennium Challenge Corporation ... Following Nepal's strong performance on the MCC policy indicators like ...
Given Nepal's strong performance on its MCC policy indicator scorecard ... The Millennium Challenge Corporation is an independent U.S. ...
According to the first school of thought, indicators of successful reforms ... Through the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Ghana Power Compact, ... could be an important indicator for measuring reforms (Newbery, 2002).
... sponsored program, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), on ... passing 14 of 20 indicators in fiscal year 2017, compared to 5 of 20 ...
... of Sierra Leone to improve on the Millennium Challenge Corporation ... the indicator on the investing in people the indicators include, health ...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation is a foreign aid agency of the ... outperform their peers on indicators measuring good governance, ...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation last year announced that it had ... Rule of Law and the “must-pass” indicators of Control of Corruption ...
... the $350 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact from the ... However, Malawi passed 16 out of 20 indicators the board uses as one ... rights and access to credit under the indicator of economic freedom.
Nepal passes 16 of 20 indicators of US MCC Scorecard 2017 ... out of 20 in the scorecard of the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for ... However, this time Nepal fared better in an indicator, i.e. 'regulatory quality', ...
ECONOMYNEXT - Sri Lanka has begun preparations to use US$700 million in grants under the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) aid agency program to qualify for which it must maintain high standards of good governance like fighting ...
He said in a major speech Thursday evening that there are clear indicators that the country can massively expand its economy.
Prior to that appointment, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government development agency that provides grants for investments in, among other things, energy and power infrastructure in developing ...
Last November, the US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) did not renew its $430 million aid grant to the Philippines.
Last November, the US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) did not renew its $430 million aid grant to the Philippines.
By contrast, de Walle suggests that Obama, no doubt in response to the budgetary pressures imposed by the recession, cut funding by several hundred million dollars for PEPFAR and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Worse still, the Obama ...
For the period under review, Sierra Leone also moved 16 points upwards in the Millennium Challenge Corporation Control of Corruption Indicator, with 53 percent as against 37 in 2015. The Commission wishes to assure all Sierra Leoneans of its relentless ...
The most sought after programming by African governments is the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) which is only accessible to nations if they pass indicators for good governance and investing in their people. African leaders have become some ...
In this first phase of our process, we consider country scores from a variety of databases related to our three categories, using information from sources like Freedom House, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Reporters Without Borders, UNICEF, the ...
A few weeks ago, the US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) did not renew its $430 million aid grant to the Philippines.
A few weeks ago, the US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) did not renew its $430 million aid grant to the Philippines.
They fear Trump could "weaken and overturn" such legislation such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) allowing duty-free imports to the U.S.
... the announcement of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that it had deferred a vote on the reselection of the Philippines for compact development, Dominguez likewise pointed out that the Philippines had passed 13 out of the 20 country ...
At its quarterly meeting on December 13, 2016, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Board of Directors selected Sri Lanka, Burkina Faso and Tunisia for new MCC compacts - five-year grants - to encourage economic growth and reduce poverty.
In November, the international community watched as Americans elected Donald Trump the next President of the free world, leaving many with unanswered questions about what lies ahead for international development.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation last year announced that it had unanimously re-selected the Philippines to receive a second grant in recognition of the country's continuing efforts to improve its policies on good governance under then-President ...


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         selection indicators

Millennium Challenge Corporation:
         board of directors
         selection indicators