updated Sat. June 1, 2024
Mojave Desert News
July 21, 2017
His name is and he is an expert on Area 51-the CIA built Airbase ... CIA Special Assistant for Planning and Coordination Richard Bissell, USAFÃÂ ...
Connecticut Magazine
June 22, 2017
1854 Plymouth native Silas Brooks makes his first Connecticut balloon flight. The famed aeronaut made close to 200 flights. A balloon basketÃÂ ...
WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog)
June 17, 2017
These pros were connected to the CIA, and as we shall see, Nixon was not ... Left to right: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, President Kennedy andÃÂ ...
Roll Call
March 28, 2017
The president also informed legendary CIA Director Allen Dulles and his deputy Richard Bissell that they would have to step down. As KennedyÃÂ ...
February 27, 2017
This reference to Nitze had curious timing, as was his coordination with Richard Bissell (who would go on to become a senior CIA officer).
War on the Rocks
December 27, 2016
CIA officials have finally lost the last of their efforts to keep the agency's ... the response to it by Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell and hisÃÂ ...
December 11, 2016
J. Edgar Hoover feared a cabal of ultra-liberal economists with CIA ties ... Though he hadn't gone to work for the Agency yet, Richard BissellÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
April 17, 2016
Deputy CIA Director of Plans Richard Bissell “contended in February 1961 that popular discontent with Castro's regime could be galvanizedÃÂ ...
WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog)
October 20, 2015
Left to right: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, President Kennedy, John ... Less well known are the machinations of Allen Dulles and the CIA in oneÃÂ ...
Bangor Daily News
August 25, 2013
The son of a former deputy director at the CIA, Richard Bissell III of Bangor looks for traces of his late father's work in books visible at his PearlÃÂ ...
February 27, 2017
This reference to Nitze had curious timing, as was his coordination with Richard Bissell (who would go on to become a senior CIA officer). Until 1953, Paul Nitze had been the Director of Policy Planning for the State Department. In 1963, he would ...
Connecticut Magazine
February 21, 2017
Connecticut may be far away from the red carpet and Hollywood glamour that will be on display at the 89th Academy Awards Feb. 26 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, but over the years the state has enjoyed its fair share of movie magic.
Daily Pakistan (blog)
January 21, 2017
There is clear evidence that although JFK had approved the Bay of Pigs invasion he had, very clearly, told the CIA and Pentagon leadership that he would not commit US troops to help the invasion.
Center for Research on Globalization
January 16, 2017
In the Air Force Directorate of Intelligence, a Special Studies Group had been set up by General C.P. Cabell (who later moved over to CIA and was chief of operations there at the time of the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco, although it was Richard Bissell who ...
War on the Rocks
December 27, 2016
The National Security Archive worked tirelessly to declassify the two main reports involved: first, Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick's scathing critique and second, the response to it by Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell and his deputy Tracy ...
December 11, 2016
Mullen wasn't the only one who would be connected to CIA by history. Though he hadn't gone to work for the Agency yet, Richard Bissell was only a year away from finally giving into the pleas from Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner to come work for the Agency.
CSS Resources (blog)
October 10, 2016
This was clearly illustrated in 1953, when the CIA executed a plan to remove Mohammad Mossadegh, the Iranian nationalist leader.
teleSUR English
April 17, 2016
"The Eisenhower administration and the CIA had decided in late 1959 that Fidel Castro was a tool of Communism and an ally of the Soviet Union," according to the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence. Deputy CIA Director of Plans Richard BissellÃÂ ...