updated Sat. August 3, 2024
Indiana Daily Student
March 5, 2018
Later implicated in thousands more civilian deaths, this so-called Atlacatl battalion, named after a legendary Salvadoran ruler, contained nearly 7000 soldiers trained by members of the U.S. Special Forces. It's Abrams' actions in Nicaragua that have earned him the most attention. Abrams pleaded guilty toÃâà...
The Atlantic
January 20, 2018
Greentree noted that the massacre was carried out by the Atlacatl Battalion, which had just completed a three-month counterinsurgency training course in the United States. That training was also supposed to instill respect for human rights. The El Mozote operation was the battalion's very first afterÃâà...
teleSUR English
November 18, 2017
There's never been a definitive body count, but experts estimate the Atlacatl Battalion, a U.S.-trained Salvadoran security force executed about 200 civilians at close range in the day at what's now known as the El Calabozo Massacre. Julio was the only one in his family who survived the shootings. He lostÃâà...
teleSUR English
November 16, 2017
He will visit the Jesuit Central American University where the U.S.-trained Atlacatl Battalion, shot in the back religious and lay persons: Ignacio Ellacuria, Segundo Montes, Ignacio Martin-Baro, Armando Lopez y Juan Ramon Moreno, Joaquin Lopez, and Elba and Celina Ramos at the educational institutionÃâà...
Jacobin magazine
December 12, 2016
Lieutenant Colonel Domingo Monterrosa Barrios, the commander of the Atlacatl battalion unit which carried out the operation, said that “so long as we don't finish off this Radio Venceremos, we'll always have a scorpion up our ass.” Atlacatl was trained and equipped by the US government. MonterrosaÃâà...
teleSUR English
December 9, 2016
11 and 13, 1981, soldiers from the the Atlacatl Battalion, a Salvadoran death squad trained at the U.S. military's School of Americas, massacred almost all the residents of El Mozote, a small village whose residents were accused of being sympathetic to the cause of left-wing rebels. Between 900 and 1,200Ãâà...
The Nation.
December 11, 2015
By Richard KreitnerTwitter. December 11, 2015. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. el_mozote_edu_img. The remains of a rural Salvadoran village after members of the Atlacatl Battalion destroyed it during the massacre. (Loyola University Chicago Digital Special Collections)Ãâà...
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