updated Sun. July 14, 2024
New York Times
April 2, 2018
Yet the period that followed found him castigated by longtime friends and allies as he focused on economic justice and vehemently opposed the Vietnam War. In an interview with The New York Times, the director Peter Kunhardt said that while researching Dr. King's life, he realized that most accountsÃâà...
The Hill (blog)
April 2, 2018
"We want to show how racial justice, economic justice and racial reconciliation can be advanced in and by the next generation." Other cities will commemorate the anniversary of King's assassination with memorial events. Sen. Bernie Sanders Ãâ÷ Bernard (Bernie) SandersSunday shows preview: TrumpÃâà...
April 2, 2018
"We want to show how racial justice, economic justice and racial reconciliation can be advanced in and by the next generation." Motorists slowed down Saturday to look at the eight people walking on the highway. One trucker honked his booming horn. Linda Stanton watched the group as she and her dogÃâà...
New York Times
March 31, 2018
Wendi C. Thomas, a former columnist for The Commercial Appeal of Memphis, is the editor and publisher of MLK50: Justice Through Journalism, a news project focused on economic justice. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletterÃâà...
History News Network (HNN)
March 22, 2018
But King also focused on economic justice, an often overlooked yet still timely aspect of his legacy. Economic concerns drew King to Memphis in 1968 where he stood with 1,300 striking sanitation workers who called for a living wage, better working conditions, and union recognition. For King, these workersÃâà...
The Nation.
March 16, 2018
Congress. Louise Slaughter—Feminist, Environmentalist, Media Reformer, and Champion of Economic Justice. Current Issue Ãâ÷ Subscribe; Search. Facebook; Twitter; Email. Toggle MenuÃâà...
Greenwich Post
March 15, 2018
Rally speakers will address the many destructive consequences of the wide and rapidly expanding gap between rich and poor. We will emphasize what Martin Luther King labeled the “Triplets of Evil: Racism, Extreme Materialism, and Militarism” and the take-over of our democracy by an increasinglyÃâà...
Fast Company
March 14, 2018
The ROC standard aims to make it clear that for a company–and the agricultural operations from which they source–to truly advance sustainable operations, they need to tackle issues of eco-positive farming practices, economic justice, animal welfare, and fair labor in tandem, not in isolation. And while theÃâà...
Jewish Journal
March 14, 2018
The rally was organized by activist groups, including many local Jewish organizations that have been at the forefront of immigration justice reform, such as IKAR, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Clergy & Laity for Economic Justice (CLUE) and the Reform movement's Religious Action Center. “What we see inÃâà...
March 13, 2018
One of the most visible of them, San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, has argued that the pope's emphasis on economic justice and poverty demand a “transformation of the existing Catholic political conversation.” Another, Newark's Joe Tobin, appointed a cardinal by Francis in 2016, took to Twitter a fewÃâà...
March 12, 2018
In a section of the party platform titled "economic justice," the idea of cash handouts is addressed. "All people deserve the opportunity to pursue the American Dream and have the financial resources to live in economic security. We support efforts to enact programs, such as a guaranteed government jobsÃâà...
The San Diego Union-Tribune
March 7, 2018
My work in reproductive justice began on my own campus when I realized that our student government, Associated Students at University of California San Diego, had previously installed dispensers for condoms, but they were broken and not being filled. Thus, the products were not easily accessible.
February 27, 2018
I have come to believe that, dollar for dollar, the most effective intervention in the fight for economic justice is the simplest: cash, put in the hands of the people who need it most. The guaranteed income is as radical an idea as it is simple. An income floor of $500 per month for every working adult whoseÃâà...
Daily Californian
February 15, 2018
UC Berkeley is launching a new center designed to help those affected by consumer law, which will be the first of its kind among top-tier institutions, Berkeley School of Law announced Tuesday. The Berkeley Center for Consumer Law and Economic Justice, which is scheduled to open in April, will beÃâà...
Futurity: Research News
December 31, 1999
William Barber and others are trying today to replicate King's campaign, and the Fight for $15, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees—the union King fought for in Memphis—are trying to use the memory of King's economic justice campaigns to move mountains again today.
The Columbus Dispatch
December 31, 1999
Columbus is set to host this year's National Urban League conference, a four-day event that will examine the impact of technology on racial, social and economic justice. “The question of whether the digital revolution is bridging or widening the racial opportunity gap is crucial to the future of urbanÃâà...
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