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 red mercury rumor

Red mercury is a substance of debatable existence purportedly used in the creation of nuclear bombs, as well as a variety of unrelated weapons systems. Samples obtained from arrested would-be terrorists invariably consisted of nothing more than various red dyes or powders of little value, which some suspect was being sold as part of a campaign intended to flush out potential nuclear smugglers.

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updated Wed. July 17, 2024

Powered by a mysterious red-hued fuel, which author Henry Stevens has claimed was red mercury, the flying saucer was reportedly capable of soaring from Earth. Nazi Bell blueprints NC. These blueprints claim to show the design of the Nazi Bell. Nazi Bell in flight NC. The bell-shaped craft reportedly had ...

Surveillance video later emerged showing Frisina with 27-year-old Rian Rodriguez, a soccer coach from her school, as the pair made their way north in a red Mercury Sable. There were rumors they could be headed toward the border with Canada and police across New York State had been advised to be ...
Halo Trust programmes manager, Tom Dibb told journalists during a tour in Mukumbura last Thursday that many lives had been lost while other people were injured while attempting to crack open landmines after being misled that the device was rich in red mercury. “There is nothing like mercury in a ...
ATLANTA - The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are handling a hazardous materials situation at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in downtown Atlanta. Officials confirm they received a call saying a man carried red mercury from Africa into the facility. The Atlanta Fire Department shut down ...
Red Mercury. It does not exist and anyone promising you riches for it is a conman. Following CJ Chivers massive story in the New York Times magazine about the red mercury hoax, inlcuding efforts by groups like ISIS to obtain what they think is an ultra-secret nuclear material, Jeffrey talks to Michael Moore ...
Red mercury, the myth claims, is a chemical weapon which can allegedly make nuclear bombs so small and yet more powerful than ever. As the legend goes, it's a substance made from mercury iodide, a red powder that is “odourless, tasteless, insoluble in water and poisonous, but it will turn yellow when ...
Red Mercury is allegedly made from mercury iodide – a scarlet-coloured powder that is odourless, tasteless, insoluble in water and poisonous, but it will turn yellow when heated above 126 degrees Celsius. It is an elaborate hoax that first appeared in major Soviet media in 1979 as a dream substance sold ...
Although little was actually known about it, red mercury became hot property on the black market full of aspiring bomb makers. It quickly developed a reputation of its own and those selling it allowed the buyer to infer their own ideas of its power — and they charged an astronomical price for the privilege.
In 1998, 15 authors from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which helps maintain the American nuclear-weapons stockpile, published an article in The Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry that called red mercury ''a relatively notorious nuclear hoax.'' In 1999, Jane's Intelligence ...


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