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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

Within the context of a political career whose lowlights include describing Islamist terrorist organizations as “friends,” associating with a Holocaust denier, .... the party since 1920, as an association that promotes democratic socialism and equal rights for Jews in Britain while supporting Labor Zionism as the ...
There is a fine line between opposing the state of Israel, opposing Zionism, and starting to refer to both Israel and Zionism in terms reminiscent of old ... Many of those standing by Corbyn were non- or anti-Zionists, and there was the usual name calling — “self hating Jews” and “kapos” from the other side.

... the Minister has not spoken to, whether in professional associations, fraternal and sorority groups, churches, economic organizations, political forums, ... So despite the mainstream news reports, the Zionist cries of “crucify him” and the capitulations of Negroes unable to stand up for themselves and their ...
Angel Mas is president of ACOM, an organization fighting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in Spain. The views expressed here are his .... but one that glorifies violence. It is crucial to insist on the association of BDS with antisemitism and exposing its links to terrorist organizations.
Now all associations, not just governmental ones, must conform to the progressivist assumptions. With the latter as the new gods, those who dare invoke the old morality cannot but become the new sinners. Thus do erstwhile liberal organizations, such as colleges and universities, move a step or two closer ...

“Mr. Corbyn has repeatedly failed to apologize to the Jewish community and to recognize the hurt caused by his past actions and associations. ... militia Hezbollah and Gaza-based Islamist group Hamas as “friends” urging dialogue with the latter, as well as meeting representatives of both organizations.
She said Mallory is the face of an intersectional movement that requires an expanded appreciation of what her associations with Farrakhan mean to people ... There hasn't been a period during the NOI's history when the organization hasn't evoked controversy, be it NOI founder Elijah Muhammad's unique ...

Excluding non-Jewish workers for much of its history, the Histadrut was a key part of the Zionist movement. Former Prime Minister Golda Meir remarked: “Then [1928] I was put on the Histadrut Executive Committee at a time when this big labor union wasn't just a trade union organization. It was a great ...
Eitan Behar, director of the World Zionist Organization's Center for Diaspora Communications & Countering Anti-Semitism, noted, “Most of the surveys, including ours, do not ... It is an anti-Semitic party, and members of the party were jailed in 1990 for participating in illegal Nazi associations in Germany.”.
In addition, she founded the AHA Foundation, an organization that defends women's rights throughout the world. While it would appear ... Rarely euphemistic in her description of her hatred of Israel, Sarsour recently tweeted, “ Nothing is creepier than Zionism { the love of Israel}.” Sarsour's hatred of the ...
Since then dozens of organizations have formed with the goal of promoting “temple awareness”- raising awareness about the Third Temple's importance and its construction. In 2013 Ir Amim noted 19 registered associations that call for changing the status quo at the Noble Sanctuary. Since 1967, Israel has ...
On Sunday night, some of America's most fervent Zionists gathered in midtown Manhattan for the Zionist Organization of America's annual gala. ... when figures with anti-Semitic affiliations like Gorka and Bannon come along and profess Zionism, we should embrace them as allies in our fight for survival?
A suspicious Organization backed by the British Government, known US regime change facilitators USAID, the US and NATO-backed 'Syrian ... companies and the shadowy confluence between national security and intelligence operations and international organizations—and representatives of the Syrian ...
The suppression of a resolution unanimously endorsed by the NDP youth convention, many outside groups and over 25 riding associations was the latest in a long line of ... After Woodsworth's 1940 death the party's stance shifted, and by the end of World War II the CCF officially supported Zionism.


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