updated Fri. August 2, 2024
Balochwarna News
December 16, 2017
Late American author Selig S. Harrison described the collective punishment of Baloch families by Pakistan army in his book 'In Afghanistan's shadow': “In 1974, many of the men stayed in the hills to fight with the guerrillas, but the women, children, and older men streamed down from the mountains withÃÂ ...
The National Interest Online
February 28, 2011
Pressures to stop drone attacks on suspected terrorist hideouts in the tribal border regions of Pakistan focus properly on human-rights concerns. More and more evidence shows that the attacks are hitting innocent villagers with no ties to terrorist groups. But apart from humanitarian issues, the drone attacksÃÂ ...
The National Interest Online
February 1, 2011
Selig S. Harrison. February 1, 2011. TweetShareShare ÷ Printer-friendly version. As the Islamist nightmare envelops Pakistan, the Obama administration ponders what the United States should do. But the bitter reality is that the United States is already doing too much in Pakistan. It is the American shadow everywhere, theà...
International Herald Tribune
August 26, 2010
While the world focuses on the flood-ravaged Indus River valley, a quiet geopolitical crisis is unfolding in the Himalayan borderlands of northern Pakistan, where Islamabad is handing over de facto control of the strategic Gilgit-Baltistan region in the northwest corner of disputed Kashmir to China. The entireÃÂ ...
New York Times
August 17, 2009
Washington. AS the debate intensifies within the Obama administration over how to stabilize Afghanistan, one major problem is conspicuously missing from the discussion: the growing alienation of the country's largest ethnic group, the Pashtun tribes, who make up an estimated 42 percent of the populationÃÂ ...
Foreign Affairs
December 9, 2004
On October 4, 2002, the United States suddenly confronted North Korea with a damning accusation: that it was secretly developing a program to enrich uranium to weapons grade, in violation of the 1994 agreement that Pyongyang had signed with Washington to freeze its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Since North Korea hadÃÂ ...
August 15, 2017
While India was celebrating the 10th anniversary of its independence in 1957, famous American journalist-scholar Selig S Harrison had raisedÃÂ ...
The National Interest Online
February 1, 2011
Free Baluchistan. To counter Islamism in nuclear Pakistan, the United States should do more to support Baluch insurgents. Selig S. Harrison.
International Herald Tribune
August 26, 2010
Selig S. Harrison is director of the Asia Program at the Center for International Policy and a former South Asia bureau chief of The WashingtonÃÂ ...
New York Times
August 17, 2009
AS the debate intensifies within the Obama administration over how to stabilize Afghanistan, one major problem is conspicuously missing fromÃÂ ...
Foreign Affairs
December 9, 2004
On October 4, 2002, the United States suddenly confronted North Korea with a damning accusation: that it was secretly developing a program to enrich uraniumÃÂ ...