updated Sat. April 13, 2024
The Sydney Morning Herald
March 22, 2018
The former NSW chief scientist, Mary O'Kane, says the STEM debate has been “misguided” and the focus should be on maths, starting in primary school, not the ... Phenomena studied in the arts and humanities are subject to [myriad] different interpretations making it tricky to define knowledge and predictÃâà...
March 14, 2018
Today is Pi Day, an annual celebration of the famous mathematical concept that has fascinated people for millenia. But what exactly is π (pronounced like the word “pie”), and where did the concept originate? Ostensibly, π is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, but in mathematics it is used to represent aÃâà...
Quanta Magazine
March 8, 2018
Two teams of researchers have made significant progress toward proving the black hole stability conjecture, a critical mathematical test of Einstein's theory of general relativity. ... Over the last year, however, mathematicians have brought the mathematics of general relativity into sharper focus. Two groupsÃâà...
March 1, 2018
Because the growth of abstraction in maths gave disciplines like chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, meteorology the ability to explain a wide variety of complex physical phenomena that occur in nature. If you grasp the process of abstraction in mathematics, it will equip you to better understandÃâà...
March 1, 2018
Maths and the art of topology ... The adaptable form of pleated and folded textiles provides a real world view of the mathematical field of topology. ... transition from an exclusively mathematical field of study to something that is more widely used in the analysis and creation of cultural and social phenomena.
Middlebury Campus
March 1, 2018
By classifying the #MeToo movement as part of a universal phenomenon, pointing to increasing activism in various countries around the world, Professor Moorti sought to link the global and the local understandings of the movement. Moorti presented a map which highlighted the locations with the highestÃâà...
March 1, 2018
The forgetting curve is a mathematical formula that describes the rate at which something is forgotten after it is initially learned. The idea is over 100 ... This phenomenon of learning and promptly forgetting information will be familiar to anyone who has tried to cram the night before an exam. Another way ofÃâà...
March 1, 2018
Mathematicians often use percolation theory, a well-developed branch of applied mathematics that studies the response of a network to the damage of a random fraction of its nodes, to shed light on these phenomena. However, this theory is able only to characterise the average response of a network toÃâà...
Science Daily
March 1, 2018
If a system loses energy, its temperature drops down,” says Professor Nikolai Brilliantov from the University of Leicester's Department of Mathematics, who led ... quality in a paper published in the journal, Nature Communications, where they have built a solid mathematical foundation of the phenomenon.
Science Daily
February 28, 2018
Mathematicians often use percolation theory, a well-developed branch of applied mathematics that studies the response of a network to the damage of a random fraction of its nodes, to shed light on these phenomena. However, this theory is able only to characterise the average response of a network toÃâà...
The Conversation AU
February 27, 2018
“The cell”, for instance, is an architectural term that became common and influential in biological science, the study of social phenomena (terrorist cells) and technology (cell phone). “Immunity” is a term that originally had legal applications meaning “exception from liability”, which is now more commonlyÃâà...
The Telegraph
February 17, 2018
Jamshedpur: If the mention of mathematics evokes fear and anxiety in you, it's likely that you suffer from maths phobia, a common phenomenon among students. At a time most educational institutions choose to turn a blind eye to the problem, DAV Public School in Bistupur is walking the extra mile to ensureÃâà...
Genetic Literacy Project
February 15, 2018
There also are numerous mathematical phenomenon that drive evolution one way or another. These include genetic drift, founder and bottleneck effects, and gene flow — forces that shape species almost as much as natural selection does. But like natural selection, these mathematical forces must alsoÃâà...
February 7, 2018
A team of researchers from around the world worked together to discover these so-called Bethe strings—essentially, a special behavior that can travel between particles like the way a sports crowd creates “the wave.” But a deeper understanding of the mathematics behind these these things could be a keyÃâà...
Scientific American
February 5, 2018
Since the 1980s, physicists have discovered a number of states of matter that derive odd properties from topological phenomena, such as the way that magnetization—pictured as a field of arrows—winds around a material. (Some of the founders of the field received the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics.).
January 31, 2018
To add to the ledger and earn, or mine, Bitcoin, a miner has to be the first to solve a complex mathematical problem. Once a block of data is entered into the system, it's there forever, immutable and transparent. It's a technology that has vast implications. Crypto idealists believe the blockchain is ushering inÃâà...
January 31, 2018
An international team of scientists has developed a mathematical model for the emergence of innovations, in which cognitive processes are described ... world systems, by capturing the essential relations between the components, and to model the hidden structure behind many complex social phenomena.
Naracoorte Herald
December 31, 1999
Maths anxiety is a specific phenomenon wherein negative associations with the subject can create debilitating feelings of stress in both the classroom and ... In order for both staff and students to approach mathematics with more enthusiasm, the school invested a significant amount of time and resourcesÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Obviously this sounds a little crazy, and the study is just the first step in research looking into this phenomenon, but it's an interesting example of how subtle things might mess with us. "I came across a post that a woman had published in a Facebook group named 'Women in Management'. She wrote aboutÃâà...
Space Daily
December 31, 1999
Equations describing the quantum world are generally confined to the subatomic realm--the mathematics relevant at very small scales is not relevant at larger ... equation is able to describe the long-term evolution of astrophysical disks should be useful for scientists who model such large-scale phenomena.
Science Daily
December 31, 1999
Equations describing the quantum world are generally confined to the subatomic realm -- the mathematics relevant at very small scales is not relevant at ... equation is able to describe the long-term evolution of astrophysical disks should be useful for scientists who model such large-scale phenomena.
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