updated Sun. February 25, 2024
March 30, 2018
Norman Public Schools will provide breakfast and lunch at the sites below. Elementary sites listed will provide breakfast from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Middle and High School sites listed will provide breakfast from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. All sites listed will provide lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Any NPS student may receive food fromÃâà...
Florida Today
March 30, 2018
The walkout comes a few weeks after the National Student Walkout on March 14, when students from 2,800 schools across the United States walked out of class for 17 minutes. At least 15 schools in Brevard had walkouts, including Rockledge High School, where students stood on the football field to form aÃâà...
PBS NewsHour
March 30, 2018
The bill includes an average $6,000 pay raise for educators and $50 million dollars in education funding, as well as to avert a teacher walkout. ... Amanda Hoppe, a pre-K assistant at Perkins-Tryon Elementary School, said her district and school board decided not to close schools on Monday after the billÃâà...
Chickasha Express Star
March 30, 2018
Among the local schools to stay open are Frink-Chambers Public Schools, Haywood Public Schools, Kiowa Public Schools, Krebs Public Schools, Pittsburg Public Schools, Savanna Public Schools and Stuart Public Schools, according to school officials who said they were pleased with the Oklahoma StateÃâà...
March 30, 2018
BENTONVILLE (KFSM) — Students who walked out of class at Bentonville schools are serving detention this week, according to Leslee Wright with Bentonville schools. More than 600 students walked out of class on March 14 to advocate for stricter gun laws after the Parkland, Florida school shooting.
March 30, 2018
Teachers rallied for the statewide walkout at Memorial High School Thursday night after Gov. Mary Fallin signed the revenue package for ... The topsy-turvy road to walk out, with political potholes from here to Oklahoma City, will be full of determined teachers and supporters. "Here's what I feel like right now, you know how inÃâà...
March 30, 2018
MADISON TWP. - In 2016, he was shot in his school's cafeteria while eating chicken nuggets. He remembers falling on the ground, unsure what happened, watching students run away from him. He hoped someone would come tell him everything was OK. Earlier this month, against the wishes of his schoolÃâà...
The Hill
March 29, 2018
A national anti-abortion organization is throwing its support behind a school walkout to protest abortion organized following nationwide walkouts over gun violence. Students for Life of America said in a statement Wednesday that it is offering “resources, legal help and training” for students participating inÃâà...
March 28, 2018
Chris Riser, a social studies teacher at Ockley Green Middle School, reportedly conducted an unauthorized Black Lives Matter student walkout on February 9, KATU-TV reported. ... Some were from different schools, but many students started crowding around the building during our walkout," said Raiford.
March 14, 2018
At Granada Hills Charter High School in Los Angeles, students lay down on a football field to spell out the walkout's rallying cry: "Enough." ... Stoneman Douglas students hadn't planned to do anything more than walk out of class for 17 minutes, as many of them are preparing for a March 24 rally inÃâà...
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