updated Sat. October 5, 2024
The National Interest Online (blog)
March 15, 2018
Both India and Pakistan have between 120 and 140 nuclear warheads, according to estimates provided by the Arms Control Association. However a report produced in 2015 by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Stimson Center asserts that Pakistan may be outpacing India in terms ofÃâà...
March 14, 2018
Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk has doubled down on his dire warnings about the danger of artificial intelligence. The billionaire tech entrepreneur called AI more dangerous than nuclear warheads and said there needs to be a regulatory body overseeing the development of super intelligence, speakingÃâà...
Voltaire Network
March 13, 2018
A cruise missile launched from the air armed with a nuclear warhead, with practically unlimited range being powered by nuclear energy, ... arms race takes place not on quantity but, increasingly, on the quality of weapons, that is on the type of vectors and on the offensive capabilities of nuclear warheads.
Irish Times
March 12, 2018
In a surprise appearance at SXSW Interactive 2018, renaissance man Elon Musk talked space, electric cars, how he is reinventing tunnels – because no one else will –and how opposition to his dystopian views on AI is rooted in smart people's discomfort with the idea that machines could ever be moreÃâà...
The Diplomat
February 20, 2018
A September 2014 attack by terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) on a Pakistani frigate, PNS Zulfiquar, may have targeted a nuclear warhead on board the vessel. This disturbing detail is included in Steve Coll's latest book, Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America's Secret WarsÃâà...
War on the Rocks
February 16, 2018
Perhaps the most controversial element of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review has been the push to deploy a low-yield submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warhead. In a recent essay on War on the Rocks, Vipin Narang describes the so-called “discrimination problem”: If an SLBM is launched,Ãâà...
Rutland Herald
February 16, 2018
I watched today the president's announcement of his plan to rescue and renovate the nation's ailing and inadequate infrastructure. As Arte Johnson, capped in a German helmet, used to say, “Very interesting.” Trump wandered off course frequently, as usual, but his immediate audience was apparently aÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Nuclear weapons were developed for offensive purposes, but the technology could prove to be a wonderful defense from otherworldly visitors as well. In a new initiative, researchers from NASA have teamed up with the Energy Department and the National Nuclear Security Administration to outline a planÃâà...