updated Tue. August 13, 2024
November 29, 2017
The new operators in White Noise are just as special. First, Dakkaebi is the 2-speed, 2-armor attacker of South Korea. Her gadget is a handy tablet with an app called "Logic Bomb," which is capable of simultaneously hacking into the phone of every defender. This disruption causes the defenders' phones toÃâà...
Inside Defense
November 13, 2017
Air Force Global Strike Command and the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center will host an industry day Nov. ... Individual discussions between the Air Force and industry should center on ways to reuse and modify existing Mod 6 Mk21 aeroshells and forward sections, and how to procure reentry vehicleÃâà...
Center for Research on Globalization
September 27, 2017
There are enough nuclear weapons in the US arsenal to blow up the planet several times. The explosive capacity (blast yield) of one W87 thermonuclear bomb is 300 kilotons of TNT, namely 20 times that of the “Little Bomb” (15 kilotons of TNT) dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, which resulted inÃâà...
Albuquerque Journal
May 17, 2017
In that regard, nuclear weapons modernization remains Sandia's No. 1 priority for the next few years. The lab is playing a key role in efforts to prolong the life of three systems, including the air-launched B61 nuclear bomb, the W88 missile, designed for submarine launch, and the ground-launched Mk21Ãâà...
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March 2, 2017
The US nuclear forces modernization program has been portrayed to the public as an effort to ensure the reliability and safety of warheads in the US nuclear arsenal, rather than to enhance their military capabilities. In reality, however, that program has implemented revolutionary new technologies that willÃâà...
Albuquerque Journal
January 26, 2017
... the lab's nuclear weapons life extension program will become its “first and foremost priority,” Younger said. Sandia is playing a key role in nuclear weapons modernization, including the air-launched B61 nuclear bomb, the W88 missile designed for submarine launch, and the ground-launched Mk21Ãâà...
Science Daily
March 26, 2015
MESA's silicon fab in October began producing base wafers for Application-Specific Integrated Circuits for the B61-12 Life Extension Program, W88 Alteration 370 and W87 Mk21 Fuze Replacement nuclear weapons. Planning and preparation took years and involved more than 100 people. "We left no oneÃâà...
Popular Mechanics
February 4, 2015
However, a new missile does not mean a new warhead. "The new weapon system will use the existing Mk12A and Mk21 Reentry Vehicles (RV) in the single and multiple RV configurations," the document states. ("Multiple" means several warheads delivered by a single missile, like the test launch of threeÃâà...
FAS Strategic Security Project (blog)
October 18, 2010
The National Nuclear Surety Administration (NNSA) has announced that it has authorized the Pantex Plant in Texas to begin dismantlement of the B53 nuclear bomb. Everything about the B53 is big: it weighs as much as a minivan and has an explosive yield of nine megatons, equivalent to 600 HiroshimaÃâà...