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AGM-114 Hellfire missiles
The AGM-114 Hellfire is an air-to-surface missile (ASM) first developed for anti-armor use, but later models were developed for precision strikes against other target types. It was originally developed under the name Helicopter Launched, Fire and Forget Missile, which led to the acronym 'Hellfire' that became the missile's formal name. It has multi-mission, multi-target precision-strike capability, and can be launched from multiple air, sea, and ground platforms. The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon for the armed forces of the United States and many other nations. It is manufactured by Lockheed Martin.
updated Thu. September 26, 2024
Foreign Policy Journal (blog)
April 13, 2018
Why does it matter to people who are killed whether it was by bullets, bombs, missiles, or chemicals? Why is it so bad to use chemicals instead of Hellfire missiles? Why is it OK for Washington and Israel to blow up schools, hospitals, weddings, funerals, market places, and homes full of women and childrenÃâà...
BBC News
April 13, 2018
US President Donald Trump has told Russia to "get ready" for a missile strike on its ally Syria in response to a recent alleged chemical attack near Damascus. Indications suggest that the type of strike .... It carries "tank-busting" Hellfire missiles, according to the Royal Navy. The UK's Rivet Joint surveillanceÃâà...
April 12, 2018
The Army is also planning to plus-up its Hellfire missiles, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) and Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) stock, which means more business for Orbital as well which supplies rocket motors for Hellfire and GMLRS and will also supply the rocket motor for theÃâà...
April 11, 2018
A U.S. Air Force MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), carrying a Hellfire missile lands at a secret air base after flying a mission in the Persian Gulf region on January 7, 2016. The drones impacted to date by Russian jamming are smaller surveillance aircraft, as opposed to the larger PredatorsÃâà...
April 4, 2018
And, after checking for any signs of civilian life in the area, the drone was then destroyed by a direct hit from a Hellfire missile. Video footage shows them focusing on the target before the missile is launched. The drone is destroyed in a huge explosion which leaves thick black smoke covering the area.
WAMU 88.5
April 2, 2018
At work, Jim Skorpik's nickname is a handle better known for missiles: “Hellfire.” As a longtime federal electrical engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash., he's developed sensors to track missiles' readiness for battle that measure heat or impacts that could damage them.
April 1, 2018
Each General Atomics MQ-1 Predator drone is equipped with two Hellfire missiles, which can be used against trucks suspected of violating hours-of-service. According to ... The ELD's GPS pings help guide the drones to their targets, and the driver receives no advance warning of an incoming missile.
DroneLife (blog)
March 31, 2018
“The last iteration of the Predator was designed to carry up to two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. I don't see why zero gravity should hamper the ballistics for that kind of firepower,” he said. Sending Predators to space would also solve a surplus problem for the U.S. military. In March, the Defense DepartmentÃâà...
Breaking Defense
March 30, 2018
Today, Brig. Gen. McIntire told me, Army field artillery and air & missile defense are like two boxers, one who can only punch and the other who can only block. "We've got to have one boxer that has the ability to strike and block simultaneously," he said. "That's the speed that we're going to need in the futureÃâà...
March 27, 2018
A portion of the Iraqi AC-208 fleet is equipped to carry Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, but that 55kg-class missile is not among the weapons included in the USAF's “sources sought” document for the next batch of 22 AC-208s. Instead, the USAF plans to enable the AC-208s to carry the 70mmÃâà...
Business Insider
March 21, 2018
As a standoff missile, its range is also superior to the Hellfire. Standoff missiles, particularly the SGM, essentially act as small precision cruise missiles and glide bombs, and are often compared to short-range ballistic missiles. The lattice control fins at the end of the missile are similar to the GBU 43/BÃâà...
We Are The Mighty (blog)
March 19, 2018
... kill the Soviet tanks of World War II, replacing a combination of the AH-1 Cobra and the BGM-71 TOW missile. But the Hellfire has proven to be far more versatile. Don't get us wrong, the Hellfire was indeed a very capable tank killer. As many as 4,000 missiles were fired during Operation Desert Storm and as many as 90%Ãâà...
We Are The Mighty (blog)
March 19, 2018
When it was first designed, the AGM-114 Hellfire missile was intended to give the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter a way to kill the Soviet tanks of World War II, ... As many as 4,000 missiles were fired during Operation Desert Storm and as many as 90% of those hit their targets, which ranged from tanks toÃâà...
Next Big Future
March 15, 2018
The Eliminator™ is able to find, fix, identify, track, target, and engage emerging and time-sensitive targets with its 2.75″ guided rockets and/or AGM-114 HELLFIRE missile payload, based on mission requirements. The Afghans have been conducting about 40 strikes a week, almost double the roughly 25Ãâà...
Ars Technica
March 14, 2018
Unlike the civilian surveillance planes, the Eliminators' sensors have integrated laser designators for targeting weapons: four Hellfire missiles and two 70mm rocket pods. The Cessnas also sport ballistic panels to protect the crew and equipment from small-arms fire, a missile-warning system, and missileÃâà...
Breaking Defense
March 13, 2018
Equipped to carry four AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and two 70mm rocket pods capable of carrying a variety of precision rockets, the Eliminator will head into the fight alongside the A-29 Super Tucano aircraft that Afghan pilots already operate, allowing the two planes to team up while allowing the pilots to beÃâà...
Waco Tribune-Herald
March 11, 2018
I'm so proud of the students from Parkland, Florida, speaking truth to power and not accepting the nonsensical responses given to them by elected officials and the NRA. Suggesting that teachers should be armed with a pistol in order to confront a shooter with an AR-15 is like inviting them to bring a knife toÃâà...
The Drive
March 10, 2018
Typically a Reaper's external payload totals no more than about 2,500lbs on a strike mission, but that enables the Reaper to carry four Hellfire missiles and a pair of harder-hitting 500lb Paveways or JDAMs. In the future, guided micro-munitions will give Reapers a deeper and more flexible magazine.
Daily Signal
March 9, 2018
A split second later, a Hellfire missile, the first ever launched by a unmanned aircraft system in flight, streaked from beneath its wing to hit a target a few miles away. It was a shot heard ... Predator aircraft have flown more than 2 million hours and fired countless Hellfire missiles in support of the war on terror.
March 9, 2018
A MQ-9 Reaper, armed with GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided munitions and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles during a combat mission over Afghanistan. Lt. Col.. Leslie ... "The fighters were busy in their routine activities when the drone fired four missiles on the camp and killed twenty-one militants on the spot.".
Breaking Defense
March 9, 2018
See what the man who fired the Predator's first Hellfire missile — and took a huge career risk leaving the special operations community and ... Operators at Creech will still fly the MQ-9 Reaper, the Predator's bigger little brother, a derivative that can carry four instead of two Hellfire missiles as well as twoÃâà...
IHS Jane's 360
March 9, 2018
No details as to the type or capabilities of the proposed AAM were disclosed, neither were proposed development and fielding timelines or contract values. The Reaper can currently carry up to 16 Lockheed Martin AGM-114P Hellfire missiles. It has also been cleared for the carriage of two GBU-12 PavewayÃâà...
February 22, 2018
U.S. Army soldiers load an AGM-114 Hellfire missile on an AH-64E Apache helicopter in Kunduz, Afghanistan, May 31, 2017. ... And while 18 missiles were launched from an AH-64E Apache attack helicopter during tests, one of the four launches with a live warhead failed to detonate, according to theÃâà...
Business Insider
February 17, 2018
4,338 Hellfire missiles. U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to Task Force Griffin, 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, 7th Infantry Division load an AGM-114 Hellfire missile on an AH-64E Apache helicopter in Kunduz, Afghanistan, May 31, 2017. US Army. Hellfire missiles have proven to be absolutely essential forÃâà...
We Are The Mighty (blog)
February 16, 2018
It will replace several air-launched missiles, including the AGM-114 Hellfire, which has seen extensive use in the campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The versatility and simplicity of the new missile won high marks from pilots testing it. “Before, we had to put a lot of thought into, 'What do I need?
Business Insider
February 15, 2018
It will replace several air-launched missiles, including the AGM-114 Hellfire, which has seen extensive use in the campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The versatility and simplicity of the new missile won high marks from pilots testing it. "Before, we had to put a lot of thought into, 'What do I need?'
December 31, 1999
Chuck Worshim, project manager for cruise missile defense systems with the Army's Program Executive Office Missiles and Space, who spoke to Defense ... Boeing and GDLS brought their Avenger/Stryker solution again to Global Force loaded with Longbow Hellfire missiles as well as Stinger missiles.
We Are The Mighty (blog)
December 31, 1999
... with the missiles, known as SGMs, until 2022. USSOCOM will buy 700 SGMs in the first two years, then 900 in 2020, and then 1,000 for the remaining two years, according to IHS Janes. Dynetics' SGM is a small standoff missile. At just 42 inches long, it is smaller than the Hellfire, but packed with 16 moreÃâà...
Breaking Defense
December 31, 1999
Modular missiles would have greater range than the current Hellfire and JAGM — about eight kilometers — and plug-and-play warheads “from flares to flechettes,” from anti-aircraft to anti-tank, so the missile can be tailored to the mission, avoiding costly overkill. Blowing up terrorists in a pickup truck doesn'tÃâà...
Business Insider
December 31, 1999
Dynetics' SGM is a small standoff missile. At just 42 inches long, it is smaller than the Hellfire, but packed with 16 more pounds of explosives. As a standoff missile, its range is also superior to the Hellfire. Standoff missiles, particularly the SGM, essentially act as small precision cruise missiles and glideÃâà...
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