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updated Fri. June 21, 2024

Neighboring war-torn Syria, Turkey had to take necessary steps in the face of growing security threats posed against it by the terrorist group, which took advantage of the security vacuum and gained control of vast swathes of territories in Syria. Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch on Jan. 20 with an aim ...
The question of whether or not we should call the suffragettes of the WSPU 'terrorists' is redundant to me, because they so clearly were terrorists. We're talking about a hugely skilled ... However, it's important to remember that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Every civil rights movement ...

Outside of court, federal prosecutors said agents headed off a “significant domestic terrorism threat right here in Utah.” “We hope this prosecution would be an object lesson for any would-be terrorist who would attempt to use violence either in the domestic or international context against the United States,” ...
SRINAGAR: Unidentified pistol borne men decamped with four weapons from J&K police armed guards at a temple on the outskirts of Srinagar on Wednesday night. As per police officials, four security guards were posted at the temple complex out of which only two were present at the time of incident.
A research centre linked to the Israeli intelligence has claimed that 80 per cent of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces during protests in the occupied Gaza Strip were “terrorist operatives or individuals affiliated with them”, while acknowledging that its analysis used “circumstantial evidence”. In a new report ...
Minassian's post announces that the revolution has begun, in the form of his attack, an extremely typical terrorist motive. Timothy McVeigh was very clear that this was the goal of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which is universally considered terrorism. Minassian's ideology may be stupid or pathetic, but ...

Afghanistan was rocked by violence once again this past Sunday when at least 57 people were killed in Kabul as they lined up to register to vote for upcoming elections. On the same day, another attack on a voter registration center in Baghlan killed at least five. The recent violence is aimed at derailing the ...
Terrorists in Eastern Ghouta have handed over warehouses with large amount of ammunition, 30 armored vehicles and different types of weapons to the Syrian armed forces. “Extremists handed 30 armored vehicles, three pick-ups with large-caliber machine guns, 36 AT grenade launchers, six mortars, ...
An ongoing search operation in the Damascus suburb of Douma led to the discovery of a series of underground rooms that were apparently used by terrorists to make chemical weapons. The labs are located in the basements of residential buildings and are linked by a network of tunnels. The tunnels also ...
On Thursday, Iraqi F-16 fighter jets struck positions of the Daesh terrorist group in neighboring Syria, according to an Iraqi official statement. Notably, the attack was the second of its kind since last year when Iraqi jets targeted Daesh positions in Syria in February 2017. Last December, Baghdad announced ...
A total of 37 terrorists were killed during counterterror operations last week, according to a statement released by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) Saturday. Gendarme, police units and soldiers conducted numerous operations within Turkey and in northern Iraq as part of enhanced security measures ...
A false terror alert was issued in central Tokyo on Saturday, prompting a number of inquiries but no panic among local residents, according to the local municipality. The terrorist attack warning was issued via 85 outdoor loudspeakers at around 9:45 a.m. in Chiyoda Ward, the center of the capital with ...
... to Al Qaida's different branches in the Middle East. As a chief Al Qaida financier, Al Nuaimi has channeled millions of dollars from primarily Qatari-based donors to Al Qaida affiliates in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, and Iraq. In 2014, the Telegraph dubbed him “one of the world's most prolific terrorist financiers.” ...
Turkey has condemned the terrorist attack in the Afghan capital Kabul Sunday which killed 31 people. "We learned with great sorrow that a terrorist attack perpetrated today at a voters' registration centre in Kabul resulted in the loss of lives of many Afghan brothers and sisters and left many others wounded," ...
The incident is another example of White male terrorist who have inflicted pain on the nation. Within four months of 2018, there have been 43 mass shootings, according to Gun Violence Archive. The one thing that the culprits of mass shootings have in common is that they are mostly White males.
By Tuncay Bekar. ERZURUM, Turkey. A senior PKK terrorist sought by Turkey was killed in a counter-terrorism operation, security sources said Saturday. Yusuf Sek was identified among 15 terrorists killed during operations conducted in Agri Mountain region in eastern Turkey from April 6-16, said the ...
That article is about the questionable construction of the terrorist figure by the state. Sathe and Mali are not terrorists in any common understanding of the word. Kabir Kala Manch is a political-cultural group that employs performance as a means of protest against the state. Through their repertoire of songs, ...

The self-styled Libyan National Army says it has carried out airstrikes against "terrorist sites" near the city of Misrata, which is controlled by a rival militia. Spokesperson Ahmed al-Mesmari said three airstrikes on Saturday destroyed dozens of weapons and vehicles in the town of Sadada, some 76km east of ...
Dasht-e Barchi in western Kabul is mainly inhabited by members of the Muslim Shia Hazara minority, who have been targeted regularly by both the Taliban and the Daesh terrorists. The Daesh terrorist group on February 24 claimed responsibility for an attack on Kabul's Shash Darak area that lies close to ...
Last year, when neo-Nazis and members of the so called alt-right demonstrated in Charlottesville, Va., many Americans evinced shock that such a thing could happen: A demonstration of the white power movement, in 2017. But it's only the latest in a history of social activism that goes back decades — and, ...
Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continued to strike Islamic State of Iraq and Syria targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq between April 13-19, conducting 30 strikes consisting of 47 engagements, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials ...
Donald Trump has, throughout his presidency, used the American immigration system's alleged vulnerability to terrorist infiltration as a justification for his harsh restrictions on immigration. “America must fix its lax immigration system, which allows far too many dangerous, inadequately vetted people to ...
Though leaders of terrorist groups can receive long prison sentences, punishment for followers can be relatively light, even for murderers. In prison and after their release, former terrorists are encouraged to enroll in a government de-radicalization program or work with nonprofits such as Ismail's.
A commander based with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance said German citizen Mohammed Haydar Zammar was in custody and under interrogation. But now the Pentagon has confirmed the violent jihadist was captured more than a month ago. Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon said: “We can ...
According to a separate report, also released on Tuesday, by analysts at the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, criminal and terrorist networks on the continent obtain firearms from two major sources: weapons smuggled from south-east Europe after the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, and the more recent ...
The attack reportedly killed and injured a number of soldiers belonging to the mission, known as AMISOM. The Council underscored its full support to AMISOM in delivering their mandate to reduce the threat posed by the terrorist group Al-Shabaab and armed opposition groups in Somalia, and paid tribute ...
KARACHI: The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Tuesday released an updated list of terrorist individuals and entities out of which 139 entries stem from Pakistan. The list includes names of globally designated terrorists – ranging from al Qaeda chief Ayman al Zawahiri to Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) ...
The thwarted attack “proves the true intentions of the terrorist organizations in Gaza, that are trying to disguise their murderous intentions by provocative actions against the security fence. Their sole purpose is to provide a cover under which terrorists can carry out attacks against Israel,” Prime Minister ...
Dawood Ibrahim figures in UNSC's list of terrorists ... Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, wanted in India as the mastermind of the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts and accused of crimes such as match-fixing and extortion, figured in the UN Security Council's updated list of terrorists and militant groups.
An Indonesian-based group, Jamaah Anshrout Daulah (JAD) and a Philippines-based entity, Maute Group, are now designated terrorist entities under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002, Jacinda Ardern said. "JAD and Maute Group have been responsible for planning and conducting violent terrorist acts ...
ANKARA, April 4. /TASS/. Separating terrorist groups from the armed opposition in Syria is crucial for protection of civilians, says a joint statement signed by Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Hassan Rouhani of Iran at talks in Ankara on Wednesday. The document is ...
Terrorist attacks Trumps at Mar A Lago -- police on scene," said an April 2 headline on The Trump Talks, a pro-Trump website. Facebook users flagged the post as being potentially fabricated, as part of the social network's efforts to combat online hoaxes. We found that what actually happened at a Trump ...
New Delhi: The United Nations Security Council updated its consolidated list of terrorists and individuals on Wednesday and named Dawood Ibrahim and ... a day after the US designated Milli Muslim League (MML), the political front of Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud Dawa, as a foreign terrorist organization.
ISLAMABAD: The UN Security Council's updated list of terrorists and militant groups has 139 entries from Pakistan alone, including outfits like Mumbai ... The terrorist entities that were allegedly based in Pakistan, worked from there or had links to Pakistani individuals, include Jaish-e-Mohammed, Afghan ...
Russian security services prevented a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg thanks to Turkey's help, Federal Security Service Director Alexander Bortnikov stated on April 4. A terrorist attack was planned last year on New Year's Eve in St. Petersburg, Bortnikov said at the Moscow International Security ...
The SBU Security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region says earlier reports about a burned Polish bus in Lviv was not an April Fool's joke, adding that "terrorists have been detained." SBU press secretary in Lviv region Oleh Oleksandrov said that the attackers had been under constant surveillance from the very ...
Unlike the Middle East, Latin America has experienced no interstate war since 1995, no international terrorist attacks since 1994, and no proliferation of weapons of mass destruction since 1945. There are no longer successful separatist or irredentist armed groups. No major political party based on religion ...
The Austin bomber didn't meet those markers. He wasn't inspired by foreign terrorists. He gave no hint of racial supremacy or political zealotry on the video confession he left behind. The reluctance of Austin police to call him “terrorist” put the department at odds with political activists accusing them and the ...
Baghdad ( – Iraqi Military Intelligence announced on Wednesday arresting two terrorists and destroying five tunnels used by Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, a move which comes as part of security efforts to completely eliminate terrorism in the country. In a statement, a copy of which was ...
Turkey will take initiative should terrorist PKK-linked People's Protection Units (YPG) not leave Syria's Manbij, a statement released upon the meeting of National Security Council (MGK) reiterated late Wednesday. The meeting was chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and lasted for four hours and ...
and defense attorneys for accused terrorists are seeking to capitalize on that reality. This is happening as the president is trying to neuter a special counsel probe that's already resulted in multiple charges against and guilty pleas from a variety of his associates. The government, meanwhile, will have to deal ...
Just days after the United States Congress passed the bipartisan Taylor Force Act into law, the Palestinian Authority published its 2018 budget, which includes $355 million allocated to payment of terrorists and their families, Palestinian Media Watch reported Wednesday. The Taylor Force Act would reduce ...
The terror in Texas is over as the man suspected of planting explosives in Austin and San Antonio was killed on March 21 after an explosive device detonated in his vehicle as authorities attempted to make an arrest. The five attacks targeted people at their homes, on a public trail, and at a FedEx distribution ...
The strike conducted Saturday was the first known American attack against the al-Qaida affiliate in Libya, where the United States launched a large air campaign against Islamic State terrorists in 2016 to back forces fighting for the Government of National Accord to retake the northern city of Sirte. It was the ...
If you thought that the judicial and law and order agencies were the mortal enemies of the terrorists that seek to harm us all you would be wrong. Indeed in many instances ... And none of this is new news. All of which begs the question as to just how far the state is committed to breaking the terrorist hold.
Turkish troops have also been continuing efforts to search and destroy hand-made explosives and mines planted by the terrorists in Afrin. Operation Olive Branch was launched on Jan. 20 to clear YPG/PKK and Daesh terrorist groups from Afrin in northwestern Syria amid growing threats from the region.
The only way to answer the terrorists is with love. This is all they hate. This is the worst thing for them. Calling for violence and revenge would be just being like them,” Bachiri said. Since the attacks, Bachiri said he encountered many difficulties on his way back to normality. He had worked for the Brussels ...
... called a group of anti-war students “terrorists” Saturday in response to demonstrations at one of the country's top universities. Erdogan also announced an investigation into protests that happened at the public Bogazici University while speaking in Samsun province. “We won't give these terrorist youth the ...
WASHINGTON - The Taylor Force Act, legislation that cuts American funding for the Palestinian Authority over its payments to convicted terrorists and their families, officially became a law on Friday evening, after President Donald Trump signed a large budget bill that the act was a part of. The PA protested ...
The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) foiled a major terror bid on Pakistan Day and arrested four terrorists with arms and explosives here on Friday. The CTD sources said that on an intelligence tip-off, a team of the CTD conducted operation in suburbs of Multan. During the operation, four terrorists were ...


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