Who is Marc Gonsalves?
Marc is a 31 year old man that served in the
US Air Force for 8 years.He is now an employee of
California Microwave Systems ,a Defense Department
contractor. He is a husband, father, and a son of people who care very much for him.
The reason I am telling you this?
Gonsalves, Stansell and Howes were doing drug
surveillance for the Department of Defense when they were taken hostage in February. The single-engine plane carrying them and two other men crashed in a remote, mountainous region south of
capital, Bogota. Almost eight months later they are still being held. A rebel commander told the
Americans their only hope for freedom would be an exchange of hostages held by the
rebels for imprisoned guerrillas. If
President Alvaro Uribe rejects an exchange, the Americans face years in captivity, said the commander, who goes by the nom de guerre Alfredo. Fearful that making deals with the rebels will only encourage more
kidnappings - as has been the case in the past - U.S. and Colombian officials have taken a hard line and refuse to negotiate.
Who is Marc Gonsalves?
Marc is a 31 year old man that served in the US Air Force for 8 years.He is now an employee of California Microwave Systems ,a Defense Department contractor. He is a husband, father, and a son of people who care very much for him.
The reason I am telling you this?
Gonsalves, Stansell and Howes were doing drug surveillance for the Department of Defense when they were taken hostage in February. The single-engine plane carrying them and two other men crashed in a remote, mountainous region south of Colombia's capital, Bogota. Almost eight months later they are still being held. A rebel commander told the Americans their only hope for freedom would be an exchange of hostages held by the rebels for imprisoned guerrillas. If President Alvaro Uribe rejects an exchange, the Americans face years in captivity, said the commander, who goes by the nom de guerre Alfredo. Fearful that making deals with the rebels will only encourage more kidnappings - as has been the case in the past - U.S. and Colombian officials have taken a hard line and refuse to negotiate.