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updated Mon. August 19, 2024

He said he was proud of prosecuting a C.I.A. contractor, David A. Passaro, who had been convicted of beating an Afghan farmer during an interrogation. Mr. Wray said he had not talked with Mr. Comey in years, but he recounted a now-famous episode when he, along with Mr. Comey and Robert S. Mueller ...
DAVID A Passaro has the dubious distinction of being the only CIA contractor ever jailed for prisoner abuse. The former US Army ranger has just given his first interview to the Retro Report, a non-profit news organisation, after serving six years for the death of Afghan terror suspect Abdul Wali. It's disturbing ...

A few pivotal questions about war's excesses come together in the decade-old case of one man, who now has the attention of Retro Report, a series of video documentaries that examine major news stories of the past and their impact today. This man, David A. Passaro, is a former Army Ranger who in 2003 ...
Only once has a CIA-connected interrogator been brought to trial in a torture-related case. David Passaro was convicted of abusing a prisoner who died after three days of interrogation at a remote base in Afghanistan. Passaro, now out of prison, talks to Retro Report, a nonprofit news organization ...
“The government has a vital interest in protecting the identities of those involved in covert operations,” he said. “Leaks of highly sensitive, closely held and classified information compromise national security and can put individual lives in danger.” In 2006, during the Bush administration, David A. Passaro, ...

Siete ex directores de la CIA han pedido al presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, que detenga las investigaciones sobre las torturas perpetradas por agentes de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia durante el mandato del anterior presidente, George W. Bush. Los siete ex dirigentes, tres de ellos ...
... it was easy for a bad apple to get through CIA screening, especially when he came under a corporate contract. It's not a coincidence the only CIA employee convicted in the abuse of a prisoner was a contractor. (David A. Passaro was convicted for assaulting in 2003 an Afghan detainee who later died.).

He said he was proud of prosecuting a C.I.A. contractor, David A. Passaro, who had been convicted of beating an Afghan farmer during an ...
CIA interrogator David A Passaro (left) pictured outside court before he was jailed, says he would torture Abdul Wali (right) in the same way if ...
This man, David A. Passaro, is a former Army Ranger who in 2003 went to work for the C.I.A. in Afghanistan as an independent contractor.
DAVID A. PASSARO, Former CIA Contractor: Man, I wasn't hired to be nice to these terrorists. I was there to get a job done. I was there to elicit ...
In 2006, during the Bush administration, David A. Passaro, a former civilian contractor for the C.I.A., was convicted of beating an Afghan ...
Hasta el fecha, solo un ex contratado por la Agencia, David A. Passaro, ha sido declarado culpable por la muerte de un prisionero, Abdul Wali, ...


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