cross-referenced news and research resources about
CIA double agent, Michael Vernon Townley
Michael Vernon Townley (born December 5, 1942 in Waterloo, Iowa) is a United States citizen currently living in the U.S. under terms of the federal witness protection program. A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent and operative of the Chilean secret police, DINA, Townley confessed, was convicted, and served 62 months in prison in the United States for the 1976 Washington, D.C., assassination of Orlando Letelier, former Chilean ambassador to the United States. As part of his plea bargain, Townley received immunity from further prosecution and was therefore not extradited to Argentina to stand trial for the assassination of Chilean general Carlos Prats and his wife. Townley has also been convicted (1993), in absentia, by an Italian court for carrying out the 1975 Rome murder attempt on Bernardo Leighton. Townley worked in producing chemical weapons for Chilean dictator, General Pinochet's, use against political opponents along with Colonel Gerardo Huber and the DINA biochemist Eugenio Berríos.
updated Sun. January 28, 2024
Daily Kos
September 21, 2014
... of the country that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda described as "a long petal of sea, wine and snow"; because of CIA covert intervention in Chile, ...
Tageblatt online
May 23, 2013
Marc Zanussi brachte 1999 einen weiteren Namen ins Spiel: Michael Vernon Townley. Der ehemalige CIA-Mitarbeiter war ein Freund von ...
Diario Siglo XXI
June 29, 2011
Un anexo de un informe de la CIA a su vez demuestra que la oficina de ... Michael Townley, un expatriado estadounidense colaborador muy ...
Daily Kos
September 21, 2014
... of the country that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda described as "a long petal of sea, wine and snow"; because of CIA covert intervention in Chile,ÃÂ ...
Diario Siglo XXI
June 29, 2011
... de estos hombres, cuyos verdaderos nombres eran Michael Vernon Townley y ... Un anexo de un informe de la CIA a su vez demuestra que la oficina de ... Michael Townley, un expatriado estadounidense colaborador muyÃÂ ...
Prensa Latina
October 6, 2016
... sentenced as one of the perpetrators of the assassinations of Prats and his wife, Sofia Cuthbert, in Buenos Aires, using the same modus operandi, a bomb planted in their car and detonated by DINA agent Michael Townley, who was a former CIA agent ...
Buenos Aires Herald
September 24, 2016
Letelier had served as Chile's ambassador to the United States in Allende's socialist government, which the CIA spent millions of dollars undermining through covert operations.
Sputnik International
September 22, 2016
Its target, Orlando Letelier, was a Chilean diplomat and Foreign Minister in the administration former president Salvador Allende.
Mintpress News (blog)
September 22, 2016
"The [Central Intelligence] agency reached its decision because the bomb was too crude to be the work of experts and because the murder, coming while Chile's rulers were wooing U.S.
Consortium News
September 22, 2016
"The [Central Intelligence] agency reached its decision because the bomb was too crude to be the work of experts and because the murder, coming while Chile's rulers were wooing U.S.
The Nation.
September 21, 2016
Haunted by thoughts of his colleagues and friends still behind bars, many facing gruesome torture, Letelier used his newly recovered freedom to expose Pinochet's crimes and to defend Allende's record against the CIA propaganda machine. This kind of ...
teleSUR English
September 21, 2016
... of supporting dictatorships against a so-called communist threat or through direct participation by individuals working for both countries - in this case, former CIA and DINA agent Michael Townley who was responsible for the car bombing that killed ...
La Izquierda Diario
August 20, 2016
... donde se narra la historia de Max, un terrorista de estado, un agente de los servicios de seguridad, un asesino a sueldo, un personaje inspirado en el marido de Callejas, el ex agente de la CIA Michael Townley, autor de los autobombas al ex ...
Americas Quarterly (blog)
July 21, 2016
Meanwhile, the Pinochet administration and the Central Intelligence Agency attempted to throw investigators off the scent by suggesting that other leftists had done the deed to cast suspicion onto Pinochet.
Americas Quarterly
July 21, 2016
Meanwhile, the Pinochet administration and the Central Intelligence Agency attempted to throw investigators off the scent by suggesting that other leftists had done the deed to cast suspicion onto Pinochet.
June 15, 2016
Retired Chilean army officers Pedro Espinoza Bravo and Armando Fernandez Larios and US national Michael Townley are charged with planting the bomb that killed Letelier and Moffitt, his assistant, as they drove through Washington's leafy Embassy Row.
Spondasud News
June 7, 2016
Sia la Central Intelligence Agency che il cacciatore di nazisti Simon Wiesenthal hanno raccolto prove della presenza, nella colonia tedesca, del famigerato medico nazista Josef Mengele, conosciuto come "angelo della morte" per i suoi letali esperimenti ...
May 22, 2016
Der Chilene Armando Fernandez Larios, der US-Amerikaner Michael Townley und der Kubaner Cuban Virgilio Paz werden beschuldigt, den spanisch-chilenischen Diplomaten der Vereinten Nationen, Carmelo Soria, am 14. Juli 1976 in Chiles Hauptstadt ... Townley ...
Prensa Latina
May 17, 2016
Imagen activa 18 de mayo de 2016, 00:05Santiago, Chile, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Chile will ask the United States, with the Supreme Court consent, the extradition of three ex agents of the military regime of Augusto Pinochet for the crime of Spanish ...
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