updated Thu. August 29, 2024
Foreign Policy Research Institute
April 23, 2018
But even before the last troops departed for the United States, events in northern Iraq signaled future changes to military missions. .... Beginning in 1993, NATO's Partnership for Peace program and scenarios at American National Training Centers incorporated realistic humanitarian relief, search andÃâà...
Yahoo News
April 21, 2018
Launched in 2008, “The Rachel Maddow Show” follows the machinations of policy making in America, from local political activism to international diplomacy. Rachel Maddow looks past the distractions of political theater and stunts and focuses on the legislative proposals and policies that shape AmericanÃâà...
Yahoo News
April 21, 2018
Thousands of students walked out of classes across the United States on Friday, marking the 19th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School with a show of unity aimed at pressuring politicians to enact tighter gun restrictions. Students from more than 2,600 schools and institutions wereÃâà...
New York Times
April 20, 2018
Nikki R. Haley, the American ambassador to the United Nations, also told the Security Council on Saturday that the United States is “confident that we ... As the American military planned the strikes, the White House and the Pentagon weighed several different Syrian installations and bases that might beÃâà...
Military Times
March 29, 2018
But after Military Times reached out to U.S. officials, the photos were quickly removed from DVIDs, the Defense Department's media distribution website. ... In the end, Cafarrella said that the “United States is correct in that most of the Manbij Military Council in terms of volume is Arab, but they are subordinateÃâà...
March 15, 2018
President Donald Trump signs a revised executive order in September at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., taking Iraq off the U.S. travel ban list. ... Top-tier science and math students have long found their way to the United States — making their mark in Silicon Valley and other high-tech areas, includingÃâà...
New York Times
March 13, 2018
The under secretary of state for public affairs, Steve Goldstein, was fired, and the status was unclear of Mr. Tillerson's chief of staff, Margaret Peterlin, and his ... the House Democratic leader, warned that the turnover at the top of the State Department had diminished the United States with foreign leaders.
Task & Purpose
March 13, 2018
New Air Force public affairs guidance, published on March 1 and first reported by Defense News, details a broad freeze in media access, from reporter ... how counterproductive it is for the United States to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin, or end, military operations,” Trump said at the time.
March 9, 2018
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright walks down the aisle of the base auditorium during an all call at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., March 6, 2018. Wright spoke on matters concerning Airmen such as uniforms, professional military education and physical fitness standards. (U.S. Air ForceÃâà...
Defense One
March 9, 2018
The Defense Department's U.S. Africa Command has carried out airstrikes in Libya eight times so far under President Trump. But it has only disclosed four of those, the New York Times reported Thursday. The discrepancy, the Times writes, raises “questions about whether the Pentagon has sought toÃâà...
Defense One
March 7, 2018
Defense Department Drastically Cuts Nearly $1B Cloud Contract // Frank Konkel: Amid industry criticism following a $950 million cloud computing contract last month, the Defense Department limited its scope and reduced its size down to $65 million. Welcome to this Wednesday edition of The D Brief byÃâà...
Denton Record Chronicle
March 5, 2018
Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.; Mai Khanh Tran, a pediatrician who came to the United States as a child refugee from Vietnam; and Chrissy Houlahan, a Stanford University-trained engineer who is ... He served a 14-month tour of duty in Iraq, after which he worked at the Pentagon's Future Combat program.
March 5, 2018
Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.; Mai Khanh Tran , a pediatrician who came to the United States as a child refugee from Vietnam; and Chrissy Houlahan, a Stanford University-trained engineer who is ... He served a 14-month tour of duty in Iraq, after which he worked at the Pentagon's Future Combat program.
BuzzFeed News
March 5, 2018
That delay forces many of the immigrant recruits to violate the visas that allowed them into the United States in the first place, subjecting them to ... The change in the program, which the Pentagon has laid to potential security threats and insufficient vetting, has angered recruits who say it violates the dealÃâà...
The San Diego Union-Tribune
March 4, 2018
Former football star Herschel Walker, national spokesperson for the Patriot Support Program, speaks to sailors at at Naval Air Station North Island on Nov. 3. The program aids sailors who suffer from depression, addiction, or other behavioral health issues. (Seaman Reymundo Villegas / Navy Public AffairsÃâà...
March 2, 2018
The Navy now has two fleets assigned to operate in the Western Pacific, as the United States shifts its priorities away from the Middle East to potential ... you have two numbered fleets working in concert with one another," Lt. Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, a public affairs officer with the first strike group, explained.
Government Accountability Office
February 15, 2018
Notably, DOD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Agriculture have continuing impediments to receiving a clean opinion on ... GAO's audit report on the U.S. government's consolidated financial statements is included in the 2017 Financial Report of the United StatesÃâà...
Washington Examiner
December 31, 1999
At the Pentagon yesterday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said every day Syria prevents access makes it more likely the evidence will disappear. .... capabilities, and we're exploring ways to expedite the sale of American military equipment to Japan through the Foreign Military Sales program,” Trump said.
Slate Magazine
December 31, 1999
More recently, the Pentagon retweeted and swiftly deleted a post calling on Trump to resign. When these stories happen, ... You might think that there should be a law that would prevent all agencies from deleting tweets left and right—but that law does not yet exist in the United States. Although the FederalÃâà...
Voice of America
December 31, 1999
In his speech announcing the air strikes to the American people Friday, President Trump said the United States is “prepared to sustain this response ... in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining VOA in 2013, Katherine produced documentary and public affairs programming in Afghanistan, Tunisia and Turkey.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
December 31, 1999
In addition to the loss of a critical tool to regulate the strategic nuclear balance between Washington and Moscow, it could lead to a return to a situation not unlike that in which the Soviet Union and the United States were during the 1950s, with each side pursuing its own programs with little regard toÃâà...
December 31, 1999
The past 48 hours suggests that the relative period of calm between the United States and North Korea may soon come to an end — and that's as scary as it ... program (though there's no guarantee the meeting will actually happen), and while Trump is considering a broader national security team shake-up.
Los Angeles Times
December 31, 1999
Trump for years has commented provocatively on public affairs, and as president he frequently has caught his advisors off guard with his impulsive ... the border wall came, as many Trump tweets do, after a discussion of a related topic on "Fox & Friends," the president's favorite morning television show.
December 31, 1999
1, when the Defense Department began accepting openly transgender recruits, but this is the first time one has officially signed a contract to join the military. "(The Pentagon) confirms that as of February 23, 2018 there is one transgender individual under contract for service in the US Military," Major DavidÃâà...
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